Just Like Queens

If Only They Knew

“Let’s go, Alice!”

I sighed, and turned to look at the clock by my bed.

5 a.m.

Time to get up for school.

I rolled out of bed and made my way to my bathroom.

I took a nice long shower, looking at the fading bruises that covered my stomach and back. They usually only hurt me where no one could see. I got out and put on my make-up. Blue eye shadow, black eyeliner and mascara.

I went back to my room and picked up myripped destroyed jeans and a blue, short-sleeved shirt and got dressed. I was about to go downstairs when something caught my eye. Shane’s gray hoodie. I picked it up and threw it on, putting down my black converses and picked up my gray ones.

“Get down here!” my father hollered.

Although I was tempted, not going downstairs and just going through my window probably wasn’t the best idea.

As I ran downstairs, my mother threw me a glare. “Took you long enough.”

I grabbed an apple and took my keys off the hook.

“Be home right after school,” my father growled.

I nodded and walked out the door.

I walked down the pathway towards my silver Mustang. Their theory is that if I’m spoiled, people won’t think anything is wrong with our familyor whatever you would call it. And you know what? Their theory is right, nobody thinks there’s anything wrong. Ever. But boy, are they ever wrong.

I jumped in the car and blasted some music.

I parked in a space at school, and hopped out of the car. As I stood up, I got some heavy stares from people.

I didn’t even wonder why they were staring, because I already knew. Shane had pulled out of school. His parents had said that he was “going to live with his aunt in the next town over” but I knew it was a lie. He hated his aunt. Truth is, I had no idea where he was, nor where he was going.

“Alice!” I heard someone yell.

I knew it would be Leah jogging to catch up to me.

She’s the last person I want to see right now.

I shoved on my oversized sunglasses and kept walking.

Leah thought I had it good. She was always asking to “hang out”. I didn’t like her at all. She was one of those bitchy know-it-alls.

“ALICE!” she yelled louder.

I stopped and turned around to face her. “What?” I snapped at her.

“No need to be so snippy,” she answered, twirling her platinum blonde hair between her fingers.

I huffed, and turned.

“Hey,” she said, grabbing my arm and turning me back to face her. “I’m sorry about Shane. But at least you've got other things, right?”

I looked into her brown eyes, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall.

"You have no idea," I stated, gritting my teeth. "You think my life is so perfect. If only you knew."

I pulled my arm away, and ran to class.

I don’t want your pity.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yea.
This was a little upsetting.
I haven't been on in so long so i thought, to get myself back into the swing of things, i would just write little fillers for both my stories.
If you read When the Day Met the Night then you'll know what i mean when i say both the updates today sucked.
i love you all,
Livy <33

Title credit to A Rocket To the Moon.