Just Like Queens


There must be something wrong with me.

I don’t just apologize to people. You have to earn it.

Yet there was something about this girl, I felt like she needed it.

I felt like she wasn’t crying just because I snapped at her, I felt like there was something else.

I climbed in my car, and plugged in my Ipod. I found Fall Out Boy and blasted it. It was so loud I couldn’t even think. Just how I wanted it.

If home is where the heart is then we’re all just fucked.

I didn’t want to go home. So I did what I usually did when I didn’t feel like going home.

I went to the coffee shop.


“Hazelnut cappuccino please,” I said at the counter.

She handed over the coffee and I turned around to go to a table when…


I walked right into someone and screamed at the pain of hot coffee going down the front of my shirt.

“What the fuck?!” I yelled at the girl standing behind me.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” she yelled, wiping at the front ofShane’s my hoodie.

“YOU!” I yelled as I looked at the girl with blue eyes and a purple ribbon in her hair.

She stared at me with huge eyes. She was probably just as shocked to see me again as I was to see her.

“Oh man…” she said softly, looking away from me.

“I’m sorry I keep yelling at you,” I told her as I saw her eyes well up, again.

“No, no. It’s alright. You look like you’ve had a rough day,” she responded, shrugging.

I felt so terrible. “You wanna sit at a table or something?”

She nodded. “The company would be nice,” she said in a soft voice.

I waited while she got her coffee, then we made our way to the table by the window.

“Alice,” I told her extending my hand.

“I’m Lydia,” she said, extending a breakable looking hand.

Terrified it would shatter in my pale hands, I shook it very lightly.

“So, you look like you’ve had a pretty rough week,” I told her, trying to make small conversation.

Then she just broke down and cried. I’m sure you can imagine how unprepared I was for a full blown breakdown.

“I’m a good listener,” I offered, holding her hand for a little support.

Then she spilled everything. She told me about her family, and how awful they were. Especially her sister, Annasay, and what a complete bitch the girl was.

And when I thought I was completely alone in this world, she told me something that made me realize I was never going to leave this girl. We were hitched for life.

She told me about her boyfriend, Skylar. She told me about him, and how she was forced to break up with him. And it was all Annasay’s fault. She wanted him, and Lydia, being a self-sacrificing person, dumped him to make Annasay happy.

That’s when I started crying. For the first time in three years, I cried. I told her all about my abusive family. I showed her the bruises and she showed me hers.

I told her about Shane. And I cried even harder.

“It’s ok hun, you’ll be fine. We’ll get through this,” she comforted me.

Realizing the time, I stood up and said I had to go.

“Same time tomorrow?” I asked her.

She nodded, happy to have someone to talk to.

“Later,” I said as I walked out the door to my car and drove off.

One day, robots will cry.
♠ ♠ ♠
writer's block.
i didn't know what i wanted to do, so i decided it was time for Lydia and Alice to finally meet.
i'll try to update more often.
ownage goes to everyone who stuck with us through my writer's block!

i love you all,

Title creidt to Fall Out Boy and I used a Cobra Starship title in the story.