Status: Finished.

A Dash of It Passionate

Forever Young

"Are we gonna do this or what?" I whined from the doorway, Topher walked into the living room grumbling about his brown poofy, uncooperative hair.

"Let's go before Dan and Daray are about to have a heart attack, they just called......again!" He said rubbing his fingers through his hair, the light glinting off his silver nose ring. I laughed and followed him out of our apartment down to Topher's beat up old black car.

"You ready love?" I asked, he nodded and pulled out of the darkening parking lot.

"Emmy, seriously, thanks for helping us get here, for this gig. I'm making you our official promoter!" He said smiling widely, his white teeth gleaming as the last rays of the day were gone, blocked by a tall building.

"I'm a roadie!!" I yelled bouncing in the passenger seat, he laughed and I ignored him humming along to the song on the radio, it was Sing It Loud's 'Come Around'.

-Come on Come on cause we are together made for each other we can stand alone- Topher sang along quietly.

"Daray and Raine want to come on tour with us....but her and Raine-"

"Will need to get over their problems if they both want to go with us" I said simply turning down the radio.

"Will you talk to them about it, I don't even know why they started fighting to begin with." He asked, turning the corner. The venue came into sight, there were streams of kids standing outside waiting to get in to see All Time Low and our own personal The Bigger Lights.

"Yeah I'll talk to them while you guys are on stage." I said rolling down the window and flashing the pass to the security guard, he hit a button that allowed us into the closed off parking lot. Mikey ran to the car and jerked my door open.

"Where have you guys been?!" He yelled biting his snake bites.

"Your bed baby" I said nonchalantly, pushing on his chest lightly to make him move. Daray was standing on the steps, eye level with Dan, they were debating over which color Daray's hair should be next.

"But I like gre- Emmy!" Dan yelled hugging me, his tall lumberjack like frame casting a shadow over both of us.

"Hey, you ready for tonight?" He nodded, I turned to Daray. "We need to meet later on about tour stuffs"

"Does this mean I'm coming with you?!" She gasped.

"Only if you and Raine work out your issues" Daray made a face, but nodded. I ran over to Raine and JK.

"Yo! We need to meet later ya know to talk and stuff." Raine nodded, bending down to tie her shoe. "You ready for this?" I asked JK, he nodded eagerly, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey, Emmy, do you know how much longer we have?" Topher yelled over from his spot in the darkening parking lot, headphones led to the lime green Ipod he was clutching, his tone rising and falling as he sang along to one of his own songs.

"Uhm i'll go check?"

"Thanks doll!" He yelled, I ran up the steps and into the venue where a short, muscular, balding guy sat in a chair, clipboard held to his chest.

"Do you by chance when The Bigger Lights are suppose to go on?" His eyes flashed down to the brown clipboard.

"20 minutes." I thanked him and ran back to the guys.

"You guys have 20 wheres your stuff?" They all ran to the back of their huge black van and started to pull things out of the trailer.

"Are you serious?!" Daray and I yelled. It was a disaster; they hadn't even attempted to set up yet. One by one they ran past me, each with a different instrument in hand, Topher was the last. He stopped, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey, thanks for everything, you've always been there for me no matter what and I don't think you'll ever realize how much I appreciate that." He said quietly, kissing my forehead. I sighed inwardly. He had no idea how much my heart pounded when he did that. He hugged me one last time before walking into the venue. Daray and Raine came and stood beside me.

“So are you going to tell him?” Daray asked. I shook my head.

“He doesn’t feel the same and I don’t want to ruin a great friendship, okay?”


“Shut up Raine!” We both said in unison, walking into the venue.

transcend the trend of proofs and pills
to numb the life that you have built (and you have spilt)
breed life to fill the void inside
and teach them all to stand in line (and fall behind)
They were half way through by the time we got to back stage to where we could see them, already Topher had started to recklessly throw around the mic, missing JK’s head by mere inches.

“You need to tell him before it’s too late and they get huge….forget about us.” Daray said. I shook my head. I walked to the back of the venue where a room was with a worn, old orange couch inside. I grabbed a blanket and sat down, my head falling to rest on the back of it.

Do I tell him? Was my last thought before I fell asleep.

“Hey Emmy, wake up.” Topher shook me awake, I stared at him- my eyes adjusting to the bright light overhead.

“Hmm, sorry about falling asleep. I got a headache.” He nodded understandingly.

“Soo, Daray and Raine said you wanted to tell me something life altering?” My eyes gre wide, it was now or never I suppose.

“This can’t change anything, okay?”

“Nothing can change us.”

If you only knew
“Uhm- Topher- I- uh….like you….a lot.” I said looking at the floor, it was silent in the small space.

“Gees Emmy it took you long enough!” He said pulling me onto his lap, his lips crashed down onto mine.

Talk about a happily ever after!
♠ ♠ ♠
YEAHHHH!! Anyway Merry Christmas Emmy! :]] Now then go check her out cause she it most definitley the shit yo! Say heyy for me!
Oh and by the way Caleb is cute for your information!.....even now :'[