This Love is Difficult, But it's Real.


“I don’t know how you do that.” Max said as we walked in my house.

“Do what?” I asked.

“Did you see that poor boy?” he asked as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“The one spinning in circles? Yes I think he might have issues.”

“No the one whose jaw practically detached itself when he saw you.” Max explained to me. “But yes your right the one spinning was really odd.”

“I didn’t do anything to him” responded defensively.

“Well I know that but look at you. You’re in boxers and a tank top. You just ran three miles. And that boy probably would have married you if you asked. You’re beautiful Kat. Face it. When are you going to Put all these poor boys out of their misery and find a boyfriend?”

“Shut-up! Don’t hate me because I am beautiful!” I joked trying to lighten the mood, seeing as I just got yelled at for being pretty? Yeah try explaining that one.

“You know I don’t trust any of the boys at school, hell any boys in general. They all just like me for my looks, and I hate superficial people. Not to mention, I don’t want to get hurt.” I whispered the last part.

“Ohh Katie, come here.” Max said with extended arms, “I am sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He whispered in to my hair as he hugged me.

“It's ok.” I say, putting my walls back up. “Come on,” I sigh, “if we don’t get ready soon we will be late.”

“I am going to go shower in Ryan’s Bathroom, OK?” Max asks.

“Whatever just keeps it short. We have to walk today.” I saw as I start walking upstairs to my own bathroom. Thinking about what Max had said.

Once I got out of the shower I brushed out my hair, and threw on my robe before walking to my closet to pick out an outfit. I finally chose a teal tank top with paisley, cut offs, and my teal converse. I put my hair in a thin head band, and walked downstairs to find Max destroying my kitchen.

“You need to go food shopping.” he stated when I walked in,

“I wouldn’t if you didn’t eat so much.” I retorted.

“Whatever we have to leave.” he said grabbing his stuff.

“Okay, just let me tell Alexa.” I said firing off a quick text to Alexa.

We were walking out the door. When I saw the new neighbors again. I watched this time as all three of their heads spun when I walked by. Max was right. This was mean. What did he want me to do though? It’s not like I am going to get a horrible haircut and wear a muumuu for the rest of my life. I mean I like feeling put together. It’s not even like I try that hard. I mean I don’t wear make up. I don’t straighten my hair. Hell I don’t even blow dry it.

I looked away unable to face them now. Max sensed this. He put his arm around me and gave me a squeeze.

“Let’s just go” I said.


We arrived at school. Survived. I skipped soccer claiming a stomachache. I walked home. The new neighbor weren’t there. I stopped at the end of their walk. I just looked at the house. I was nice. The same size as mine. A nice coffeeish color. Three car garage. I knew there was a pool around back. As I was standing there a landscaping truck pulled up. I continued walking. As they got out and begun mowing the lawn.

When I got inside I made myself some bagel bites. And sat down at the table. I did all my homework by 4:30. It was still early and I was feeling a little bit better so I decided to go for a run.

There is something about running for me. I just love the feeling music pumping through my ears. Just me and the road. It gives me time to clear my head. Once I start running I get really into it. I can go forever.

I was on my fourth mile when I pumped into one of the neighbors. Literally pumped into. We were both running around the corner at the same time.

I pulled out my head phones. “Oh my god watch where you’re going!” I yelled before I realized who it was.

“I am sorry. I didn’t mean to. I just sort lose myself when I run.” he tried explaining. “Ohh hey you’re the neighbor right? Katie.”

“Yes. And you’re…” I forgot his name. Talk about embarrassing. “Umm I am sorry I am horrible with names.”

“Joe.” he said extending his hand. To help me up. Because as I failed to notice. I hadn’t stood up yet.

“Well hello Joseph it was nice meeting you. Again. I will attempt to remember your name next time. And sorry for screaming at you before. I didn’t realize who you were.” and started to run again as I put my headphones back in. right as he grabbed my arm.

“Wait, I don’t know the area that well do you mind if I run with you?” he asked.

“Can you keep up?”

“I will try.”


So we ran together and he kept up with me. I was surprised. We ran about tree more miles. And we ran them fast. I run about a six minute mile and he kept up I was impressed. When we got back to the neighbor hood. I said good bye and ran up my front walk. He yelled after me.


I stopped and turned around.

“Thank you.”

It was sweet. I wasn’t sure how to respond.

“Umm ya. Ok. Bye.”


I went inside feeling very confused.
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ehh sorry it took so long.

its not great but it kinda reveals a little about her.

leave me some love.