No One Knows - A Monologue

No One Knows

Set : empty stage
Props : None

Slowly walk to center stage, with head down.

(suddenly)No one really does know how their emotions work,
or how life sets in.
For example, love.

No one can explain it,
and yet we all suffer from it.
Not one human can honestly say they love someone
and truly mean it, at least for the entirety of their life.
Sure, they can marry a person,
but in today's society,
no one really stays married.
Those few that do,
well, they are a breed of their own aren't they?

Its like in high schools today.
A student may tell a fellow student
that they love them,
but within a few months,
they have a new significant other waiting to hear those famous words.

We causually toss those three words around,
not knowing how much they can effect someone
or by what degree.

You may be saying about me,
"She only says this because she has never loved."
This isn't true.
I love currently,
but does that person know?
I haven't told them,
but if they pay attention they should know to who they are.

(growing intensity)It's impossible to love unconditionally.
Even chirstians can't do it,
so why do you think you should?
No matter how hard you try,
there is always going to be poblems
You are human.
No helping it.
You'll always have problems with emotion.
I, myself, currently have them.
People tell me,
"How can you love him, with that much passion?"
I merely tell them, its not passion that drives me,
its the fact that he doesnt care about a reputation
or what I do in school
or in my town,
but for who I am.
To him,
to myself,
and to others.
Others ask me,
"How do you know he thinks this about you?"
Well here is the answer,
I don't.
I don't know if he loves me or not.
Or even if he cares about me on an emotional level.
But I dont care,
because I love him.

(sudden stop in the intensity, back to normal speaking)

Life's funny that way isn't it?
We hide our emotions from the world,
just hoping that we wont get hurt,
but by bottling in those emotions,
we see the one person we do love, love someone else.

Let me ask you this:
Do you love?
How about unconditioanlly?
Are you willing to look past the way a person looks?
But see them for who they really are?
Are you ready to take the biggest risk of your life?
By merely telling somone you love them?

I am.

(exit stage right with head down)
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© Janelle C. 2006