Spinning World

Spinning World

Set: Empty Stage
Lighting: Special highlighting actress center stage
Props: Small book - portrayed as a diary
(Actor should be in a fragile state. Perferably sitting on knees, or legs and slowly rocking back and fourth, all the while, clutching a small diary)

I never meant for it to happen.
What did I say?
What did I do?
To cause this many problems.
All I did, was ask for a ride home from school,
and he exploded at me.
Why does my father have to act like a child?
All my life,
He's snapped at me for various reasons.
He always left me in confusion.
What did I say?
What did I do?
All my life...
all my life...
(as if crying)
All he's ever done
is ridicule me.
And he wonders why,
I dont have a problem with not seeing him for months on end.
He caused this within himself.
For one,
He remarried five days before my birthday.
Did he ever tell me he re-married?
Yes, after three months.
What did I do to deserve this?
What did I do?
What did I say?
(looks up at audience) What did I do?

(looks back down no longer crying, but with a sense of worry in voice)
Another thing on my mind,
I have a few things to confront my mother about.
For one,
How do I tell her about him?
Sure, she has said I have freedom to do as I please so long as i tell her the truth,
but how do I tell her?
When do I tell her?
I feel as if I'm asking too much of her sometimes.
For one, Chicago.
She's already got her hands full with work and me,
and to remind her about that,
I don't know how she'd react.
For another, Ohio.
How do I start on that whole ordeal?
She's never talked to him,
so how can she trust me?
or trust him?
His parents don't know me.
How can they trust me?
How can they trust him?

This reminds me, my father.
I usually let him in on things like this,
but his wife hates all things like my situation,
though thats how she met my dad.
Doesn't make sense does it?
My father worries about me.
I know he loves me,
but this brings me back to part one.
He often explodes in my face.
What did I say?
What did I do?
To make you act this way?
Daddy dearest,
I love you,
and you love me,
but why do you act this way?
Act so childish?
Why do you follow your new wife,
instead of your own heart?
Why dad?

Special slowly fades into darkness
♠ ♠ ♠
© Janelle C. 2006