The Breaking Point


"I can't stand you anymore," began to be the one phrase continually on Jake's mind. His parents were quite literally driving him insane. He sat in his room, fuming about the most recent argument him and his parents had. As he sat in his room, near foaming at the mouth with fury, he decided to call his girlfriend, Theresa, or Tee, as he called her.

"I can't take this anymore, Tee. They're driving me insane! All they ever want to do is yell at me or say I'm doing something wrong. Please, hon, help me," he begged. Tee fell quiet, trying to think of something to say to him. She knew that he constantly fought with the 'Troublesome Two' as he referred to them numerous times. "They just can't accept that I'm not like Kirk. I'll never be as perfect as him! Why can't they accept that I'm different? That I have a mind of my own," he practically screamed at her. She again, fell silent, but this time in more of a submissive way, not liking to be yelled at. Finally, after moments of silence, she timidly responds, "Hon, just take a deep breath. Everything will be OK. Just tell me what happened." "Well," he began as hit took in a deep breath, "It all started when..."

He continued to tell her the story of how his parents wouldn't let him go out with his friends because he didn't 'do' anything all day, though he had done all his chores, and then some, but they came home to find him finally relaxing by watching some TV.

"I really don't know what to tell you anymore, hon," she said quietly. "Are you going to be OK?" He was quiet for a minute before answering, "I...I think so. Thank you hon." Tee smiled to herself. "Jake? I love you, but I need to get back to work." Jake slowly nodded, forgetting she couldn't see him and responded, "I love you too, Tee. I'll talk to you later." They then proceeded to hang up the phone, leaving Jake in a confused and irritated mindset.