‹ Prequel: When Opposites Attract
Status: Complete

I'm A Revolution

What's Become Of Their Lives

Brian's View
I stormed out of the bar and down the street to my house that was only a few blocks away. Every God damned time! It'd been three years today since she'd left without a sign as to where she might have gone. I've gone nearly crazy since then. I was finally ready to admit it now, that I'd loved her then. And then I remember that she's gone and no one knows where she is.
I threw open to front door to my house and slumped into the reclining chair in the corner, not bothering to turn a light on. She hadn't contacted anyone since before she left. Not even her mother had a clue as to where she was, but was taking it all very well. The only people that I think might have an inkling to her absence is either Kharli or Nathaniel. It'd be kind of hard to get it out of Kharli though seeing as she was arrested for abuse. I decided I'd call Taylor tomorrow, to see if she'd heard anything.

Taylor's View
I awoke from another nightmare about Ash. I'd been having these off and on ever since she left without a trace. Upon looking at the clock next to me I discovered that it was 2:00 am. It'd be midnight in California. Brian would still be up, he was almost always up. Apparently he never used to be like this but he was constantly worried about Ash.
I figured that since I was already up I'd go take a shower, and get to work early so I could prepare some extra lessons for my students. I taught band at a middle school in town and also on weekends I gave violin lessons. I'd also gotten married, but my husband was currently away on a business trip in England.
The end of the band was sort of tragic. I went back and took advanced courses in school to be a teacher, Dean went into construction, Jack was arrested for drug dealing and later killed when he tried to do a jail break, and Kollen was killed in a bank robbery. I rarely heard from my ex, Dean, and when I did it was awkward and vengeful. He blames me for Ash's leaving and wholly the entire failure of the band.