‹ Prequel: When Opposites Attract
Status: Complete

I'm A Revolution

It Was Me

"You do know that when you left, you killed people? You killed people's hearts and you killed their will, but most of all, people just plain died. Do you realize the chaos that you caused?" His voice was slowly raising and was now almost to a yell. I had to stop him before one of the other cames up here. This was just something they didn't need to see or be apart of.
"Brian, people may have been cruched that I left, yes, but do you know how much was crushed when I stopped being who I was? I had to fix it Brian. The only was to do that was this way. I don't know how I've killed people's will, you seem to be living the life, Taylor's done what she's always wanted to do, even after we started the band she wasnted to teach music, and Dean, Kollen and Jack... well I'm not sure but I'm sure that they're all doing what they wanted too." I tried so hard to reason with him.
"Jamie you do not know how wrong you are. When you left, Taylor was crushed! She was clinically depressed for months and I couldn't bare to hear your name or anything that remotely reminded me of you ever! Even the guys missed you. Dean figures that it's Taylor's fault that you quit and that the band all together failed. Kollen died while trying to rob a bank from the police shooting at him! Jack started dealing drugs and was thrown in jail for it. Not even half way through his sentence he attempted a jailbreak and died! Do you not see the havoc and chaos all around you that just happened to start when you left? I don't know, but I think it was because you left. The shoe does seem to fit now doesn't it, Princess?"
Apparently I wasn't the only one out of us that changed over the years. He never used to blow up on anyone like this. Not him, not my Brian. Then again, he has a point. But I'm not seeing the havoc anywhere. What I'm seeing is just the inevitable.
"You never knew them." I said coldly as he tried to left the room. He froze with his hand on the door knob and turned his head back towards me with a questioning glare. "You never knew any of us before that tour. Think about it foir a minute. If I left because we'd all changed, then why would that be who we really were? Obviously it fucking wasn't. Use the right head once in a while, Brian, because I'm really fucking sick of people always blaming everything on me! You had no idea who Kollen used to be before that damned music corrupted all of us. You're even corrupted by it! We were all just roped in and hooked like we'd tried meth. Well I'm sorry to burst your happy little buble that I cause all of this single handedly because I did nothing. I just set everything back to the way it should have been. You never knew that Jack used to be a drug addict. You weren't the one that took him to all the rehab and doctors appointments to help him get clean. you weren't the one that caught him selling and making meth. You weren't the one that tried to save a damned life and fucking failed! You weren't the one that went to every god damned football game that Kollen had when we were in high school and always cheered him on even though it meant that you was shunned by my school for cheering on our arch rivals. You weren't the one that helped him in all his sports because he just couldn't afford to hire a trainer so that he'd be noticed by scouts and get a scholarship. Brian you weren't there for any of that. They were the ones that caused their own deaths. I had nothing to do with it but delay it. Had I not have done what I did for the both of them then none of what happened since the time I was 15 would have been the same. Over all meaning that I wouldn't have met you either most likely. Dean was always at a dead end in his life because he was stupid and his whole life he only did what would be good for him at the moment. He really didn't have many choices and I'm only assuming that he ended up working on his dad's construction crew because even still that would have seemed most appealing to him. I knew that. I've known him for years. Ever since I was 12 I've known Dean. I knew him well, well enough to tell you that what he did was not what something that any one else would have caused. Even ask anyone that knew him and they'd agree that he would have ended up in a dead end anyway. Now don`t even get me started on Taylor. I have known her ever since I was 6 god damned years old so dont even try that I don`t know her because if anything I knew hoe the best out of them all. I`ve even known Taylor longer then I`ve known Kharli! You weren`t the one all throughout high school that spent a great deal of your time trying to help her get the guy that she loved. You weren`t the one that gave up what you thought could have been your only real love for her. And I`ll tell you this, you most certainly weren`t the one that had to put off the entire rest of your life to help these people and be everything that they needed and didn`t have. You didn`t do any of that! I did! I`m the one that spent all of my time just being a freind, and being to everyone what they needed in a person. I`m the one that even when I was suicidal, had to shove it to the back of my head because I had either a football game, voilin recital, had some one that needed a shoulder to cry on, a rehab check in, a party to attend just to make sure my friends didn`t go overboard. Brian, I`m the one that lost myself in trying to be everything that everyone else needed. You did nothing for these people. All you did was come and go again and barely made an impact on them. But what rises my curiosity most is why were you so upsett when I left, seeing as I`d only known you for six months?"
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Oh my god, been up for 22 hours now haha