‹ Prequel: When Opposites Attract
Status: Complete

I'm A Revolution

Let Me Explain

Brian's View
"But what rises my curiosity most is why were you so upset when I left, seeing as I`d only known you for six months?" She asked, her pained voice narrowed in on me just as her hurt and sad expression was.
I figured that at this point, I had two choices. Make up some unbelievable lie, or tell her the truth.
"I'm waiting, Brian. And don't try to lie to me, because you know it won't get you anywhere." She said as I stood there quietly just thinking. Well there goes that plan. Looks like we're taking option B this time.
"You really want to know why I was crushed when you left Ash? Well, I don't think you realized but from what you've just told me about the past three years for you and what all you accomplished, but when you left for Japan to rearrange your chakras you took my heart with you. And by the sounds of it, you left it there too. Yeah I know it sounds stupid and totally out of character but I fell in love. I fell in live with Ashtyn. The Ashtyn that I knew and protected from the world; that Practically shared my bunk when we were on tour. You might have known her actually, you know she was about your height, had steel gray eyes like yours, choppy teal, black and fuchsia hair, pale skin tone, the most amazing voice I've heard in ages, guitar and bass talents like you wouldn't believe, the ability to read people because her ancestors were witches, and this incredible witty charm that lured in everyone within a miles radius. She was a great girl. It'd be nice if I could see her again sometime though because I kinda of still love her and dream about the amazing times we had almost every night and write songs about her that my band has published in our albums. Not only that, I think that I owe it to her to tell Ashtyn Marie Quean that I love her. Everyone deserves to know when someone loves you. Hell, I love her so much I could scream it from the roof tops and let everyone know gladly. But, it seems like the girl I love, won't ever hear it come from me. Because Ashtyn Marie Quean is gone. She might as well be dead. Now you tell me. Why shouldn't I have been crushed when the girl I loved ran off to god-knows-where with my heart for three fucking years, changed her name, gave up music, tried to forget everything she left behind, took up extreme sports that could get her killed, and then came back as a completely different person expecting everything to fine and fucking dandy and us all to just pick up our lives where she left off. I think that I have now and always had a right to be crushed. Don't you?"
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Sorry I haven't updated in forever! I had tried to get this chapter up before and it didn't work and I forgot what I wrote so I had to re write it around the same idea. I'm going to have any other chapter up soon too!