‹ Prequel: When Opposites Attract
Status: Complete

I'm A Revolution

No Mood Killer

I opened my eyes to see Brayden and Taylor standing at the door smilling like goons. My fish face curled down into a frown as I glared back into their happy gaze. I could see Brian had quite the face on too. "Come on, keep going. This show must go on, audience on not, now Brian kiss the girl damnit!" Taylor squeeled.
Brian however had other plans as he shut the door in her face and turned the lock on it before grabbing me up and kissing me like he was starving. I kissed back just as eagerly and before I knew it we were bother staring into eachother's eyes panting for breath. Instead of ugly frowns both our faces were painted with smiles. "I really did love you then. And I still do, Brian Haner Jr." I said kissing his cheek.
He kissed mine back and whispered into my ear. "I always loved you aswell Jamie Ashtyn Quean." He pecked my lips again before setting me down on the bed and lying beside me.
I yawned and looked over at him lying behind me. "Aren't you going to bed?"
"I'm in bed. There was only one guest room so we're sharring." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me flush with his muscular chest. "Tomorrow, we learn eachother over again. Find out everything we missed. And then maybe you can take me out and show me how to use a dirtbike." He mumbled into my skin, his face flush with my neck and shoulder.
"I think that sounds like a plan." I said before calling Demon over and instructing him to lay down at the end of the bed. That was the first night in years that I was able to sleep without a haunting feeling eating at me all night long.