‹ Prequel: When Opposites Attract
Status: Complete

I'm A Revolution

Time and Time Again

I stood on our porch out in the country side watching as my beautiful fiance played in the long grass with out first born son. My right hand rested on the large hump of my stomach indicating that I was due to give birth soon. This time I would be birthing twins to my lovely partner. But all we cared was that we were together.
My eyes caught the extravagant engagement ring on my left finger. He'd asked me to marry him 3 years ago but with our lifestyles we never had time to plan a proper wedding.
Now, it felt like I'd never run from him in fear. Like it was much more then 5 years ago we found each other again. But I wouldn't change that for the world. I wouldn't change anything about him for the universe.
Looking back up from my ring I smiled at the image of Brian, Jacob and Demon playing on the tire swing that Braden and Brian had put up for Jake's second birthday. Everything truly was amazing right now. And it was only months before our planned dream wedding would take place, and I would be the new Mrs. Jamie Ashtyn Haner alongside my husband Brian Elwin Haner Jr, and our children, Jacob Seth Haner, Aysha Marie Haner and Micheal Zachary Haner.
Life was perfect, and with all our friends and family by our sides, I wouldn't wish for a thing. If you count wealth as happiness, then I've one of the world's wealthiest millionaires.
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The end!