‹ Prequel: When Opposites Attract
Status: Complete

I'm A Revolution

Do I Know You?

Ash's View
Three years. I'd been gone for three years, and in that time I'd found who I really am, and more. Now, my main career had nothing to do with music, but I was a professional motocross racer and on the side I was still recording but nothing big time. For the past year I'd lived in England in a small but amazing country house in the country side. I'd also changed my name when I left. Now I was formally Jamie Ashtyn Quean. I only did that to prevent any one from my former life tracking me down and ruining my happiness. Of course, that was the only thing that my mother knew. I sent her a letter without a return address letting her know what was happening and that I would be fine.
I walked into my kitchen and grabbed a banana and opened it. While taking a bite I ran my fingers through my short hair. Today I was being represented wit an award for best female motocross racer in England at 2:00 p.m.
Looking at the clock I saw that it was already noon so I went upstairs and got dressed in a grey with black lace cami, black worn skinny jeans, a leather jacket, gothic style boots, leather, fingerless bike gloves, a thick silver chain, a silver double finger ring, and my black mesh steel ring with a fair amount of black eye shadow covering my lids. By the time I was done it was time to leave. I bid good bye to my baby, Demon, and went to my garage. I straddled my Harley and sped off down the long road towards the city.
When I arrived at the extreme sports building I parked my bike in the designated area. I walked into the building and into the conference area, taking my seat at the back of the hall. They always sat me there, cause I didn't come until they were scheduled to present the award, not when it actually started.
"And I would now like to present this award, for the most outstanding and over all best female motocross racer in Europe, to Jamie Ashtyn Quean!" The executive said into the microphone. I got up, and walked towards the stage, leaving my jacket at my seat. This was the new executive, he'd just been promoted something like last month.
I took the award from his hands and started my acceptance speech.
"I could stand up here all day thanking people that helped me get here, but Just to name a few so I won't bore you to death, I'd like to thank Joe Rodriguez my faithful trainer, without you I don't think I'd be able to throw my weight into it to make it balance just so. The girls on my team for showing me the ropes when I first joined and God, without your girls I'd probably never remember how to get out of first gear. Last but not least, I'd like to make a special thank you to go out to everyone back home in Canada, you're the ones who got me through everything and without you, I'd still be on my first failure of a career. I haven't tanked everyone that deserves to have recognition, but I love you all, and I'm not just forgetting you." Wither that I shook hands with the executive and went back down to my table.
That was the end of the ceremony so people were just walking around mingling now. I'd heard several congratulations before I was approached by the executive. "Good afternoon Miss Quean. I'm Brayden McCree, the new executive for Motocross. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about where you come from? You look familiar."
I smirked. "I'd hope I looked familiar Brayden, we were friends back in school. But back then I went by the name of Ashtyn Marie Quean."
"Oh, Ash. It's nice to see you again. Taylor's been missing you a lot."
"Taylor who?" I was suddenly nervous as to if I'd just blown my cover.
"You knew her as Taylor Breagess. She's my wife now." And there went my cover, flying in the wind way out of reach now.
"Oh, I miss her too." I said shocked.
"Yes, I was also wondering if you'd come and participate in a Motocross tour, we could use some female talent like yours. You'd be the only female on our and get excessive credit. It could also enlarge your career and make you much more widely known."
"Um, well I guess it would be fun. I'll do it." I said. If I'm blowing my cover, I might as well do it right.
"Thank you Ashtyn. The tour starts back home, in just a few days. This was very last minutes but I'm glad that you accepted. I'll get you a flight over tomorrow and should you have any pets you can bring them. Your flight will be leaving the same time as mine, and you'll be first class. It leaves at 9:00 a.m." He said.
I nodded and then left. At this rate, my cover would be blown before the end of the week.