‹ Prequel: When Opposites Attract
Status: Complete

I'm A Revolution


"I'm sorry Demon, Baby. As soon as we get off the plane I'll let you out." I said to my sad puppy who was locked in a crate and about to board the plane. She wasn't really a puppy though, she was a rare breed of Husky only bred in Japan. It's like a miniature breed so she'd always be as small as a puppy.
Once her crate was out of sight I went and put the rest of my luggage through and grabbed a coffee. To tell the truth, I was scared of what would happen when we got there. Brayden walked over to me. "Excited?" He asked happily.
"Nervous sounds more appropriate. Biking is second nature, but I haven't seen any of these people in three years when I left and purposely made myself impossible to find or contact in any way."
"It'll be fine. You'll only have to face Taylor anyway."
"But what about Kollen, Dean and Jack?" I asked. I hadn't heard anything of them, so I'd just assumed that they were fine all this time.
"Um, I'll let Taylor inform you about everything you've missed. But let's go, the plane's boarding now." He said and ushered me in the direction of the gate.
Once we were both seated I reclined my seat, got a pillow out of the small compartment and plugged in my iPod replaying the list of songs I'd been compiling for the free style part. we had to have 20 minutes of music to background our routine to convey the feeling and make it more exciting. Discreetly, I'd picked sings that I'd recorded. My list went: Revolution, Don't Play Nice, Rewind, Song For The Broken, Are You Happy Now and Get The Party Started.
Before I knew it, the plane was landing and I wasn't ready for it, at all.