‹ Prequel: When Opposites Attract
Status: Complete

I'm A Revolution

Time To Face The Music

I all but ran off the plane to get my poor Demon from being locked in that crate any longer. After retrieving my happy pup and placing him on his leash I went back to find Brayden. He said that since the tour didn't actually start until net week I could stay with him and his wife until we left.
When we got in the car with all our luggage and Demon he sped off down the road. Looking out the window I realized that not that much had changed since I'd left. The only thing that changed was me. My hair got cut, I got a bit of a tan, I let all my piercings grow in, and put on more muscle.
Demon sat on my lap wagging his tail happily as he looked out the window at the passing scenery. I smiled down at him and petted his fluffy fur.
Finally we pulled up in front of a nice looking two story house and Brayden got out of the car. We lugged the luggage inside to an empty house and Brayden showed me my room. When we had everything sorted out we sat at the island in the kitchen drinking coffee. "So where's Taylor?" I questioned.
"She's at work, got a job as a band director and teaches violin on the side. She'll be home in about 15 minutes." He answered.
"I'm going to go unpack." I said and placed my empty coffee mug in the sink before going upstairs, Demon following me dutifully. When I got upstairs I unpacked my guitars and guitar stands. I picked up my Robot SG Gibson and strummed away at a random chord progression on A minor. When I was done venting I placed the guitar back on the stand and realized that Demon was gone. I opened the door and saw him run up the stairs and bound playfully into my arms. It was also then that I heard the door open. Time to face the music, I thought.
I walked down the stairs silently with Demon still in my arms. When I reached the bottom I saw a grown up Taylor taking off her shoes and looking questioningly at my combat boots. I saw that she was just about to yell for Brayden, so I figured I'd step in and save him some grief. I didn't look anything the same, so I doubted she'd recognize me anyway. "Taylor, don't yell. Those boots are mine and your husband's not having an affair." I said in a calm tone and put Demon on the floor. He stood next to me loyally.
She turned to face me with yet another questioning look. "Who are you?" She asked in the exact same voice as she had 3 years ago.
Let's be humorous shall we?"Why Taylor, don't you remember me? I thought we were best friends!" I played.
"Do I know you?" Now she was really confused.
"Do you want me to spare you the guessing game?" She nodded. "'Tis I, Jaime Ashtyn Quean."
The face she wore now, was laugh worthy. "I don't know any Jamies. Are you sure you're at the right house?"
"Are you sure you haven't ever heard of Ashtyn Quean?" He eyes widened. "I'm here to tell you of her death." I joked but she obviously didn't see the humor. It's a good thing that Brayden walked in right then because I couldn't help bursting into hysterics.
"Taylor, this is Jamie. She got a name change, she used to be Ashtyn. You know, that Ashtyn that you were best friends with." He said in a calm voice.
He distressed expression faded and was replaced with a shocked one. "Ashy?" Her voice was small and quavered.
"Is now Jamie. Oh and while we're doing introductions this gorgeous guy down here is Demon." I said picking up the red husky.
"Okay A-- I mean Jamie. Um... Yeah I have a call to make." She said and went into the next room.
"I think she went into shock." I said to Brayden and immediately after I heard a high pitched scream. Demon winced and I his my face in his fur.
"No, really?" He retorted jokingly.
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Robot SG Gibson