‹ Prequel: When Opposites Attract
Status: Complete

I'm A Revolution

You'll Never Believe It

Taylor's View
I walked in the front door of my house and went to take my shoes off, just like every other day. But when I looked down there was a pair of female combat boots that most certainly weren't mine. I gave the pair a questioning look.
"Taylor, don't yell. Those boots are mine and your husband's not having an affair." I heard from behind me. I stood and turned around to see a woman dressed in a punk like attire.
Giving her an odd look I said to her in an inquisitive voice, "Who are you?"
"Why Taylor, don't you remember me? I thought we were best friends!" Either this girl was an amazing actress or really thought that I knew her and we were friends.
My voice came out confused, "Do I know you?"
"Do you want me to spare you the guessing game?" I nodded. "'Tis I, Jaime Ashtyn Quean."
And I'm supposed to know you how? I thought. "I don't know any Jamies. Are you sure you're at the right house?" I questioned.
"Are you sure you haven't ever heard of Ashtyn Quean?" My eyes widened uncontrollably. "I'm here to tell you of her death." She sounded somewhat sincere and I had to tear up. I heard her in hysterics. Just then Brayden walked in the room.
"Taylor, this is Jamie. She got a name change, she used to be Ashtyn. You know, that Ashtyn that you were best friends with." He said while looking me in the eyes, making sure that I understood him.
I felt myself form a shocked expression. "Ashy?" My voice sounded weak.
"Is now Jamie. Oh and while we're doing introductions this gorgeous guy down here is Demon." She said with humor evident in her tone and picked up the beautiful red husky pup.
"Okay A-- I mean Jamie. Um... Yeah I have a call to make." I caught myself before I called her by her former name. I have to tell Brian!
I went into the next room and screamed. I had so many feelings right now that it was unbelievable. I went to dial Brian's number and he picked up o the second ring.
"Brian! Oh my God you're never going to believe it!" I said like a like school girl.
"Hi to you too. And my guess is that you're pregnant. Am I right?"
"No! Not even close. Here go get your computer and order yourself a ticket, you're coming to visit for a while. And you're going to love me when you get here and see why!" I all but shreiked.
"Um, okay but you better have a good explanation as to why I'm coming to visit you when I'm supposed to be out partying." His voice held humor.
"I'll warn you right now, she doesn't look anything like she used to." With that I hung up the phone and checked the flights. He probably book the first available one so he'd be here before supper even! Perfect!
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First Outfit