‹ Prequel: When Opposites Attract
Status: Complete

I'm A Revolution

Here's My Proof

Jamie's View
"Hey Brian!" Brayden shouted to a figure behind me. I turned around and was horrified. There behind me was Brian, my Brian. I'd missed him so much, but after I changed I was too afraid to see him because I almost knew he would hate the real me.
I stood and walked towards him. My body moved on it's own accord now, I had no control what so ever. When I was right in front of him, my arms flew around his neck and I cried a few tears into his shoulder. No matter how much I was sure he would hate me, I loved him. The same way I always had. Ever since I first saw him I loved him, I just didn't realize it until I left and he was out of my grasp.
His arms never went around me. I pulled away after a few seconds only to see that he hadn't recognized me at all. He stood there plainly confused. "Well, let's make this quick and hopefully painless Brian." I said.
"How do you know me?" He cut in before I could finish.
"If you'd wait, I'd tell you. As I was about to say, my name is Jaime. But you knew me about three years ago. We were close friends. Then, I was Ashtyn Marie Quean. If you'll look into my eyes, you'll see that I really am the same person." My short lived speech was done and I stared into his eyes waiting for something, anything! But I saw nothing.
"Don't play games with me. You aren't Ashtyn. You look nothing like her, so don't lie to me!" Okay so I got something, I got outrage. But that just pissed me off.
"Do you wanna fucking see the piece of paper that signifies that I had a legal name change to Jamie Ashtyn Quean? Cause I can damned well make that happen. I can also show you pictures of how I changed over the three fucking years. Trust me, if there is one thing I can do right now it's fucking prove you wrong!" Now he just looked shocked at my outburst, then he rapidly showed a demanding face.
"Yes. I want proof that you are who you are."
I sighed and placed my fingers my lips and whistled. "Brayden can I borrow your bike? Just going for a joy ride." I said and Demon bounded down and sat at my feet. "Go get my wallet boy." I commanded before he shot back up the stairs and into my room.
"Sure." I heard Brayden reply as Demon came back down the stairs with my wallet in his mouth.
I snatched it from him and dug out my name change certification. Handing it over to Brian I placed my wallet in my back pocket and went upstairs to get my jacket and then went to the door. I put my boots on and grabbed Brayden's keys from the rack and headed out to his bike.