‹ Prequel: When Opposites Attract
Status: Complete

I'm A Revolution

Cause That's Not Who I Am

I rode. I don't know how long I was out but when I got back I was stress free, calm and ready to just relax with Demon. I didn't care if Brian didn't believe me, he probably wouldn't like the real me anyway. As long as I knew that this was who I was supposed to be, that was fine.
I left the bike where I'd found it in the garage and went inside. When I got inside I hung up the keys and looked to see Brayden, Taylor and Brian all laughing and joking about in the living room. Leaving hem to their business I walked up the steps and into my room where Demon lay watchfully on my bed. He may be small, but he's a vicious little bugger when he wants to be.
When he saw me he wagged his tail and came and nuzzled my leg happily. After petting him and placing him back on the bed I got my suit case and dug out everything I'd need to ride. My bike would be here tomorrow and I wanted to go for a spin just in the country side, and work on my freestyle.
There, at the bottom of my suit case was my motocross gear. I picked it up gently piece by piece and went to get Brayden. He was, after all, running this tour and maybe there was something in my attire that I was missing.
When I got downstairs and to the entrance to the living room I noticed that it was actually set up a lot like the one in the tour bus had been. I knocked lightly on the doorframe and they all became silent. They looked at me like they were waiting for something.
"I was wondering if Brayden wanted to come look over what all I have for motocross? Cause I'm going out tomorrow when my bike gets here. I was planning on picking up anything that I needed then."
Brayden nodded and followed me out the room. When we walked into the room Demon growled at him at first. "Demon." I scolded coldly. That was enough for him to know to stop. I showed Brayden my equipment and he gave he okay. When he left I started putting everything neatly onto the desk in the corner.
Demon growled. "Demon, baby what is it now?" I asked and turned towards the sound. There was Brian. Demon stood growling at him and ready to jump.
"Could you call off your mutt?" He asked rudely.
I glared at him but proceeded to fulfill the request. "Demon, come." I commanded. He snapped his jaws once at Brian in warning before trotting over to me. "What do you want Brian?" He'd made my bad mood just now.
"Well then, aren't we happy."
"You called my dog a mutt. He's a pure bred miniature red husky."
"So I classified him a little bit off. I thought we could talk. You know, about why you left."
"Brian, can't you see?" I sighed exasperatedly. "I left because I realized that in being a part of that band, I'd lost everything that was the real Ashtyn. When I left, I spent 2 years living in Japan and searching for me, in a place that I knew no one would find me. The only person who could have tracked me down there was Nathan. I knew you wouldn't ask him for help. I looked into my past and remembered how much I used to love dirt biking, snowmobiling, rock climbing and all around extreme sports. It used to be my life. When I quit, I lost that part of me. I went back in England to the Extreme Sports Corporation and they tested me. I still on occasion go and do some sky diving or rock climbing expeditions. They suited me up for motocross and I trained everyday for 12 hours. In 3 months I was ready to race and in 4 I was ready to start free style. This year they nominated me best female motocross racer and freestyle competitor. In the over all rankings I was 3rd for both. Between motocross and Demon, I've only done that in the past 3 years. I almost think that the entire band was a mistake now." I explained to him.
"Wouldn't you have an advantage? Be able to see the weak spots and get through them with being a Wyccan?" He asked.
I almost hated to answer. "Brian, that's another story completely. You see, I didn't actually begin to hone my Wyccan skills until I really got serious in the music business. That was the first thing I did when I left for Japan. I rearranged my chakras and purposely lost all of my Wyccan powers. I did it for a good reason too, though Wycca was a part of my blood, it was never a part of the real Ashtyn. The name change just certified that I could not be tracked down by anyone and that I could not be seen as the same person ever again. I would be seen as Jamie, the star female motocross racer. Not Ashtyn, the punk rock vocalist quitter."
Brian sat there, just taking it in. I could tell already that this would be a long night of explaining and proving myself once again the the man that I fell in love with long ago.
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Motocross Gear