Remembering Sunday

Robert Pattinson, aged 18, moves to LA, after his parents feel it would be in his best interest. He meets Kristen Stewart, aged 17, and gets on really well with her. After a few months they end up clicking really well and become 'best friends'. Rob realizes that actually he's falling in love with Kristen, who is already dating Michael Angarano. There's more bad luck Rob's way when Kristen says she doesn't believe in love and just wants a fun time. Rob's determined to break down the walls and make her realize they're meant to be. Kristen has to make a decision and choose between love or freedom.

Complete fan fiction, all my ideas.
I do not own the characters of Rob and Kristen and I've used celebrities but made up their lives.
There's some strong language too :]

I like comments, they'll egg on to continue. If I don't then I'll assume it's shite and not continue.
I like subscriptions too.
Enjoy ^.^