Remembering Sunday

Well I Guess I'll Go Home Now


Rob’s POV

I pulled Kristen’s chin up with my finger and lifted her head towards mine, I closed the small gap between us both with a short, sweet kiss. She sighed contently and tightened her arms around my waist. I smiled and kissed the top of her forehead gently.

My folks had gone out and so Kristen and I had the house to ourselves. We just lay there in each others arms, kissing every so often, watching the TV. I’d never felt so happy in all my life.

Kristen was mine again, all mine and I wasn’t about to let that go. Mike had been on the run from the cops for about two weeks, nobody had heard or seen of him since… I ground my teeth together, the sound was loud enough that Kristen looked up at me puzzled. I smiled and shook my head, stroking my hand down her cheek lightly. She placed her head back on my chest and continued to watch the screen.

I didn’t like to think of that scum bag and what he had done to Kristen, I literally wanted to rip his balls off and shove them down his throat. It made me sick to think what he had done to my baby. He should be shot.. by me. I shoved the thought out of my head, I didn’t like to think of him. It always put me in a bad mood and I didn’t want to be. Not tonight.

I shifted my weight underneath Kristen and pulled her onto be a bit more. I opened my legs slightly and she buried her petit frame inside of them. Her hips grinded against mine as she pulled herself up to my face, wrapping her arms around my neck. I smiled and she smiled at me back, hers a seductive grin. She began to leave small kisses along my neck and I pulled her back into me more, forcing her body to curl against mine. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as she began to deepen the kisses on my neck, adding her tongue and grazing skin with her teeth every so often. I let out a small moan and pulled her face up to mine. I gazed into her green orbs and pressed our noses together.

“I love you,” I whispered passionately against her face. She sighed, the sound was shaky. I wasn’t sure why. She closed her eyes and moaned a little.

“I love you more,” I shook my head, our noses rubbing together sweetly. I waited until she opened her eyes and continued to stare into them.

“Never,” I whispered and closed the gap again with a hungry kiss. She gasped at my sudden mood change and began to scramble on top of me. Our hands were everywhere, faces, necks, chests, waists, thighs, asses… I could hear our heartbeats beating in time with each others and I smiled. I pulled her up with me as I sat against the sofa.

“Your so beautiful,” I said without thinking. Her eyes popped wide open and they began to water, making them look like jewels floating in water.

“W-what?” She asked shakily.

“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen Kristen, I couldn’t imagine my life without you. I love you more and more each day,” I stopped when tears began to spill over her eyes. “Hey, don’t cry.”

“I’m s-sorry,” she laughed a shaky laugh. “It’s just that nobody’s ever said things like that to me before. Not like that anyway,” she kissed my lips once. I was shocked.

“Well I’m gonna say it more often then baby, I really mean it. I love you,” I pulled her against me again and we began to make out with more passion than before. Her body fit against mine perfectly, her hips grinding against mine in the right spot…

I rolled over her and we fell in a heap on the floor, laughing. I stood up and held my hand out for her.

“C’mon. Let’s go somewhere a little less… homey,” she laughed at me, knowing full well what I wanted now. She placed her hand on mine and I pulled her sharply against my body. She let out a sexy moan as I hitched her leg up around my waist, resting it there before pulling her other one up as well. She encircled her legs around my waist and placed her hands loosely around my neck. I kissed along her chest as I went into the bedroom. As I lowered her slowly onto the bed my lips travelled up towards her neck and to her face.

Her hands fell off my neck and began to undo each button on my shirt, she ran her hands along my chest and I pushed my own hands up her top. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as I began to undo her bra, thrusting myself against her…

Kristen’s POV

I lay there, on Rob’s chest just thinking about what had just happened. I couldn’t believe how perfect that had been. The way our names sounded as we moaned breathlessly, the way he made me feel when our bodies fit together so perfectly. It seemed like everything was perfect.

Only, that’s all it was. It only seemed like everything was perfect. Because I knew that it was not. Although I loved Rob completely, more than anything in the world, more than I had ever loved anyone. It didn’t feel right anymore. A single tear slid down my cheek.

I looked up at Rob’s face and felt a twinge of pain as I did. Ever since I had heard Mike speak those words about me, it made me realise what a monster I was. I didn’t deserve Rob, I didn’t even deserve someone like Mike. I’d hurt my friends, my best friend and my boyfriend.

Mike’s words replayed in my head over and over again. Images of him and Rob fighting over me, their faces bruised, their eyes filled with rage. It made me sick. I wasn’t worth that and I knew this was why I’d always rejected love
People got hurt. And I didn’t want to hurt Rob, as I knew I would someday.

Nothing ever had a happy ending. Nothing was ever perfect. I couldn’t believe I had just gone through with what I had. It was the highlight of my entire life, having Rob inside me. I had never felt closer to anyone or felt such joy with a person. But this all just made me more of a monster, knowing I was going to hurt him soon.

This was why I couldn’t stay in the same bed as him, the same room, the same house. I couldn’t stand seeing his heartbroken face crumpled when I hurt him. I couldn’t allow it. I rolled off his chest and out of his bed, he grunted a little and rolled onto his side.

He was so beautiful, it hurt to look at him. He messy hair all around his face and his naked, muscular body wrapped in a white sheet. I couldn’t believe I was going to have to leave him.

I got dressed as quietly as I could, tears streaming down my face. I leant over to him and pressed my lips carefully to his forehead.

“It just wasn’t meant to be,” I whispered, holding back a sob. “I’m so sorry, I love you.”

I heard a beep outside, signalling my mom was here to take me off to the other side of California. I sighed and walked out of Rob’s room, allowing myself one last look at the angel I was being forced to leave...
♠ ♠ ♠
And so we come to an end in this part of our epic adventure.

I am actually really pleased with what i have achieved through this.
40 chapters.
4 stars.
20 subscribers.
100 readers. (hopefully there will be more after this chapter is posted.)

I've set myself a target for the sequeal, if you want it.
40+ chapters.
5+ stars.
25 subscribers.
100+ commented.
120+ readers.

i can't do it without you guys, so please please please help me do this!
i'll be doing a few side projects with this aswell.
such as hallelujiah, with my best friend.
a mcr fanfic.
a jasper/alice or jackson/ashley fan fic.

i really like writing, but i wont do it if you guys dont let me know that you like my writing. so please comment and subscribe.

thanks for this :)
hope your shocked by the ending ;D

comment me with all your ideas for the sequeal
i'd like any song reccomendations for the titles
if you think i should do it like this or if you think i should
just randomly put them in.
thank you ;D
