Under The Mistletoe

Merry Christmas, Ryan Ross!

You better watch out,
You better not cry.
You better not pout,
I'm tellin' you why.

Sang a very hyped up, cheerful Ryan Ross. twirling around the room with ribbons, snowmen and a bunch of assorted Christmas decorations in his hands. He asked aloud, "Brendon, deary, tell me why!"

Groaning from his seat on the couch, Brendon sighed, "'Cause Santa Claus is coming to town." Ryan jumped around, a huge smile on his face, causing Brendon to wonder just what this kid was on. It must be something fierce, considering he was outdoing Brendon in the ADHD department by miles.

"That's right!" Ryan cheered. See, the only reason Ryan here was so overjoyed was because he had a plan. Oh yes. And this plan was going to help him receive the only thing he wished for - a kiss from Brendon, the boy he loved so dear. Only Brendon didn't know about that or the plan. Ryan was good at hiding things, and he trusted Spencer and Jon to keep it a secret as well. Soon, the whole entire house would be covered in decorations, more specifically, mistletoe. Brendon couldn't escape the kiss now. The rules were strong. Whichever two people stand under the mistletoe shall share one kiss. A kiss per mistletoe seemed kind of cheap to Ryan, but you can't go against the rules. Another bonus having over 30 hanging from the doorways and ceilings. Brendon wouldn't dare go against Christmas rules, no matter how silly they were to him.

"Ryan, this party seems kind of... Um..." Spencer said, who was helping Ryan decorate the living room. He knew as well that the only reason Ryan was 'decorating' was for that kiss.

"Lame?" Brendon said, laughing. "I mean, Ryan, you hate Christmas."

Ryan gasped, putting his hands on either side of his face. "I do NOT hate Christmas! It was just never fun before. But now that we're all here, it's going to be splendid!" he said, returning to his overly-happy attitude. Wow, he was scaring Brendon big time.

"Okay... Well, do you have to prance around the room like a freakin' elf, wearing a Santa hat and hang those lights everywhere? Christmas is tomorrow, what's the point?" Brendon asked.

"It's fun? And it can't really be a Christmas party without all the fancy lights, the shiny tinsel, the wreaths, the mistletoe..." Ryan trailed off, wrapping a set of lights around the very small Christmas tree in the corner of the room.

"Mistletoe?" Brendon said, smirking. "Who do you plan on kissing, Ry? Any girls coming to this party or what?"

"Oh, Brenny." Ryan said in a soft voice. "You'll see soon enough." he said more to himself than to Brendon.


Ryan squealed. "Must be the carollers! Brenny, come on, let's go listen." he said, dropping all decorations in his hands on the couch, grabbing Brendon's hand and dragging him towards to the door before he could protest. Getting to his feet and freeing his hand, Brendon somewhat reluctantly, somewhat amused, followed Ryan to door. Upon opening it, Ryan's small house was filled with the merry singing. They were singing 'Deck The Halls', and immediately Ryan joined them. Brendon merely rolled his eyes. And soon, the carollers were done, and moved to the house across from them. Closing the door, Ryan turned to Brendon. "I just love Christmas time." he said, casting his eyes up to see the lone mistletoe hanging from the door frame. He had fully intended to wait for tomorrow, since his gift was for Christmas, but he couldn't contain himself. "What could be better than spending time with your dearest and.. Closest friends..?" he continued, slowly moving towards Brendon while wriggling his eyebrows and trying to get him to notice the mistletoe.

"Hey Brendon! I brought 'Guitar Hero'!" Jon yelled from the living room. Brendon beamed.

"Kicking Jon's ass at 'Guitar Hero', that's what!" he said, bounding away from Ryan and picking up the other guitar controller. Ryan frowned slightly. His mood slightly dampened, he walked back into the living room, to see Spencer tangled in the garland and Brendon already succeeding in beating Jon. He fixed the Santa hat atop his head and proceeded to tape more mistletoe around the house while everyone else was distracted. 4 in the kitchen, 2 in the hall, 2 in the basement, 1 hanging from his bedroom door, and 2 in the bathroom (hey, gotta think of everything, you know?). After his job was done, he took a moment to fix his makeup, which he has also done for this occasion. He had drawn small candy canes near his right eye, and a simple star near his left eye. Right in the middle of fixing his eyeliner, a voice behind him made him jump.

"Whatcha doing, Ryro?" Brendon said curiously, guitar controller still hanging from his neck. Ryan blinked, and quickly, he had an idea.

"Just fixing my makeup." he said ever so innocently. "What do you think of it?" he asked, slowly dousing the lights in the bathroom, somehow without Brendon noticing.

"Ugh, I dunno, I can't really see it all that well." Brendon said, squinting his eyes to see. "Just a sec, let me get my gla-" he was about to say before Ryan grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving.

"Just lean in closer, you'll see it fine." Ryan insisted. Turning around and leaning in, his eyes still squinted, examined Ryan's little candy canes. 'That's it, that's it..' Ryan thought, leaning in himself, pretending to be helping Brendon see better. They were dangerously close before they were once again interrupted.

"Hey Bren, Ryan! Come here!" Spencer said, sitting at the computer and on YouTube.

Brendon leaned back. "They're great, Ryan. Really festive. Cute." he said, before bouncing away once more. Ryan pouted slightly, the Santa hat dropping to one side of his head. Okay, maybe this wasn't as easy as Ryan had planned. He sighed, and made his way over to the computer, where Spencer, Jon and Brendon were gathered. They were watching a video of somebody blowing up a snowman. Ryan blinked as the other 3 boys erupted into loud laughter.

"...This is what you called us in for?!" Ryan asked, completely losing his cool. They all turned around and looked at him.

"Gee, sorry, Ry. I thought it was funny.." Spencer apologized, closing the YouTube window.

Ryan, always the fast thinker, replied, "Oh, no, I'm sorry, Spence. It's just I've seen more creative snowman destroyers than that." Phew. He was just too good.


"Ooh, the Christmas cookies are done!" Ryan said, regaining his spirit. He dashed away into the kitchen, grabbing the oven mitts, yanking open the oven door and taking the cookies out. He placed the hot pan on the counter, and took a plate out to put them on. Little reindeers, Santas and snowflakes were a few of the creative designs Ryan had shaped the batter into. A moment later, the guys walked in after him, each grabbing 2 or 3 cookies. Brendon was the last one to arrive.

"Oh, wow, Ryan. You really did go all out this year, didn't you?” Brendon commented, picking up a Santa cookie and looking at it.

"Uh-huh." Ryan agreed, remembering the mistletoe he had placed on the kitchen light above them. "Go ahead and try it." Brendon nodded and took a bit out of Santa's head. He smiled.

"Ry, why didn't you tell me you made such damn good cookies?" Brendon said, devouring the rest of the cookie. Ryan blushed a little, his cheeks turning slightly pink. He picked up another cookie, and was about to inhale that one as well before Ryan stopped him.

"Just a sec, Brenny. You have crumbs around your mouth." Ryan said, taken an oven mitt off and lifting his hand to softly brush away the crumbs, also taking a moment to run his thumb over Brendon's lush bottom lip. They were close once again. Closer, closer, closer... Until-

You're a foul one,
Mr. Grinch...

"Oh my God! This used to be my favourite Christmas special!" Brendon exclaimed, running back into the living room, taking the plate of cookies along with him. Ryan pouted again, a big, puppy dog pout, before trotting after Brendon back into the living room.

Christmas special after Christmas special they watched, glued to the screen as old memories came flooding back. All of them were talking happily... Except for Ryan. It was near midnight and he still hadn't gotten his kiss from Brendon. He was growing impatient, and beginning to lose hope that for the 3rd year in a row, he wouldn't be getting it. He sighed once again, his milk and cookies untouched from the beginning of the marathon. Brendon noticed this. Him and Ryan were the only ones still awake as 'Frosty The Snowman' played quietly in the background. Brendon had his eyes on Ryan, who was staring at the screen as if it were the most entertaining thing in the world. It may be a surprise to you, but Brendon also had a wish. He wished that he could be able to hold and caress the one boy he truly loved-Ryan. See? Surprising, isn't it? Brendon had seen the mistletoe, but every time he got close to Ryan, he pretended to be immensely interested in whatever Jon and Spencer called him for. But now...

"Ry?" Brendon said after 10 minutes of silence.

Ryan twitched, his head snapping over to see Brendon looking at him with wide eyes. "Hm? What is it, Bren?" Ryan asked with a yawn. Brendon couldn't help but smile at how cute Ryan looked, all sleepy.

"I never got a good look at your makeup." Bren said, standing up and stretching, before walking towards Ryan on the other end of the couch and extending his hand down towards him. Ryan smiled and took it, standing up. Brendon led him over to the doorway between the hallway and the living room, where a light was still on. They were directly underneath the mistletoe, they both knew that. Ryan's heart was slightly lighter now, as it beat faster in his chest. Brendon leaned down, his eyes closing in the process, and before Ryan could utter any sound, they were kissing. Their lips softly pressed against each other, as Brendon took Ryan's hand and interlocked their fingers, bringing them up in the air and pushing Ryan back gently against the wall. Ryan's eyes were closed now as well, and a wonderful feeling spread through them both. It was a nice, long kiss, and it was over minutes later. Brendon leaned back, eyes gleaming, Ryan's eyes still closed and pressed against the wall. Brendon smirked as Ryan opened his eyes, breathless. "Merry Christmas, Ryan." he said, before placing his lips back on Ryan's for another magical kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I know this is kinda... Idk the word to describe it haha
The idea popped into my head last night as I was laying around.
Tell me whatcha think?