Revenge Is Sweeter Than You Ever Were

A nice brother?

I'm tired of everything.High school and the people in it.Highschool.Best days of your life.HA.Thats a bunch of crap.

I lifted myself out of bed at 7:15 i had twenty minutes before my best friend Alyson arrived,so that we could walk to school together.I jumped in the shower and let the warm water run down my body.I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me.I looked at my reflection in the fogged glass.I had his eyes and his smile.A tear slid down my cheek and i shook my head to erase the thoughts of the worst day of my life.Once i had blowdryed my hair and applied lip gloss,mascara and eyeshadow.I walked to my closet and pulled out some black skinnies,rolling stones tee and my all black converse.Once i was dressed i straightened my hair.I sprinted down the stairs and grabbed a granola bar just as the doorbell rang.

My best friend Alyson Stoner had arrived at my door in neon green leggings,purple shorts a Cyndi lauper concert tee looking amazing as usual. "I cant wait to get to school"Alyson beamed. What.The.Hell.I looked at her."What?" "Your'e excited for school?" Alyson started laughing and snorting apparently at my stupidity."Hells no! Didn't you hear Nicks older brother Joe enrolled and he starts today.He's apparently hotter than nick and a lot nicer too."
I stopped dead in my tracks.A nice jonas how was that even humanly possible,Nick had gone out of his way to make sure my life was a living hell.This was about to get really interesting.

Alyson ran up to me looking like she was about to shit herself. "Ohmyfuckinggoshhaveyouseenhim,hesgorgeousicantbelievehesrelatedtonickandhesmiledatme!"I swear this girl is on crack."Woah there cowgirl,who the hell are you talking about,and you need to breathe in between sentences!"She glared at me."I'm talking about Joe,hes here and i swear he is the prettiest thing i have seen in my whole life,his smile,his eyes,everything!Hes perfect!"I rolled my eyes Joe sounded like half the other guys in L.A. perfect and rich.I realized that Alyson had stopped talking and was looking past me.I followed her gaze. Oh.My.Sweet.Jesus.
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I know its short and i promise it will get sooo much better.THANKS FOR READING!