Revenge Is Sweeter Than You Ever Were

I am Me

"Put this under your skin
cause i am me
and I wont change for anyone
I wont change for anyone like
.:Ashlee Simpson:.

It's Monday.......again.The first day of the end.Okay so not really,just the first day of detention with the curly head turd Nick.See what i did there,wasn't it clever!Sarcasm people!On Saturday Joe had taken Aly and I shopping.He felt bad about the whole situation.I was gonna wear my new outfit today.Clothes just make me feel confident.After I had taken my shower and blow dried my hair I skipped over to my closet and got out my new clothes.Dark blue skinny jeans,black ankle boots,and a Ramones concert t-shirt.I put on some light make-up and my gold ring.I straightened my hair for the finishing touch.I had to admit i looked pretty damn hot.


I walked into school and headed for my locker.I was hoping to be able to catch up with Aly and Joe before the bell sent us our separate ways.Luckily for me they were waiting for me at my locker.I smiled,they looked so cute together."Hey hot stuff"Joe yelled,drawing attention of the other students at their lockers."Hey stud"I giggled.I skipped the rest of the way and shoved my books in my locker,and put the ones i needed in my leather messenger bag.Aly gave me a tight hug."You look smexy!"She laughed as she waggled her eyebrows.Her smile faded when she saw Nick heading our way.He looked me up and down from head to toe.I crossed my arms over my chest.I hate when people stare.It's just rude.I searched for any scarring.NONE.He had nothing more than a fading bruise on his nose.What a baby.He must have layed it on thick for Burns."Well looky here looks like the feisty bitch dressed up for detention with me today."He smirked."You must really like me."Gag.Who does the hell he think he is!Before i could even think of a humbling remark the bell rang.I stomped off to first period.


Aly and Joe dropped me off at room 7.Detention.It wasn't so bad nothing too bad.There were only four jocks,all Nick's friends of course.It could be worse.I sat down in the back of the classroom and started writing a song.My head snapped up when i heard the door slam.Nick.Always one to make a scene.He headed straight for my desk."Hello love,whats up?"I struggled to keep my hands at my sides so i wouldn't slap him.I mean hurting him is what got me into this damn mess in the first place.He grabbed my chin and made me look in his eyes.For a jackass he has really great eyes,kind of like a Hershey's bar...........but better.He rubbed my cheek with his calloused hands.My eyes fluttered."Aren't you gonna say something princess?"He kept stroking my face.My breath was coming out slow and ragged.All hatred and witty comebacks were erased from my mind.I was frozen.Before my brain could even register what was going on his soft lips were pressed against mine.My lips moved with his,He licked my bottom lip begging for entrance.I finally snapped out of the dream-like state I was in and slapped him.His face showed nothing short of surprise which then quickly turned into anger.He grabbed me roughly by the arm and shoved me against the wall.Nick pressed his toned body into mine and growled.What the shit?He thinks he can just make people get lost in his eyes and kiss them!?!?That is not how the world works it's not ethical!"Nick you're hurting me,could you loosen your grip on my arm,that would be much appreciated."He tightened his hold."You know what buddy,i have had enough of this shit,either you let go or I hit you."Nick laughed,cackled is more like that.He fucking laughed.He has got more problems than a drunken monkey."Darling,you are in way over your head.It's five against one,I suggest that you behave yourself.I don't want to have to hurt you."He smiled.The evil little prick!I shivered as his warm breath hit my neck.He smiled.One of his brain dead monkeys laughed at my expense of course.

Have I got one hell of a story to tell my friends............
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