Status: Very slowly active.

I'd Kill Myself for You, I'd Kill You for Myself

The Boss Is Back In Town

A melancholy atmosphere loomed over the heavily guarded building. Stout footsteps echoed through the abandoned halls as the soles of thick boots met with cement. The security guard gazed into each cell as he progressed down the barren hall. Growing closer to his destination the guard dropped his large hand down to the loop of his navy blue uniform pants. Grasping the cold cell keys between his fingers, jingling echoed through the silence accompanied by his dreary footsteps. A triumphant smirk spread across the guard’s lip having reached his destination, today was the day inmate No. 28302-066 would be leaving. Prison isn’t the nicest place in the world to be but this particular inmate injured inmates & guards, blatantly disobeyed orders & fought everyone. Today would be a good day for the prison seeing as they would no longer have to house the criminal.

“Get up.” He ordered, the smirk not faltering as jingling pierced the silence.

Slipping the cold metal into the rightful slot clanking of the door being unlocked sounded. Squealing echoed through the deserted hall as the cell door slid across its tracks. The inmate lie in his bunk with his muscular tattoo covered arms behind his head. Tearing his intense hazel orbs from the railing of the overhead bunk, the inmate furrowed his dark eyebrows at the guard. Staring at the bulky man in the cell doorway, the inmate raised an expressive eyebrow curiously. Defiance coursed through his subconscious as he ignored the guard fixing his gaze back onto the bunk above head.

“Get up.” The guard commanded irritably glaring at the able-bodied inmate.

With a roll of his hazel eyes, the bunk mattress sunk under the inmate’s large athletic build as he moved to a sitting position. Hanging his long legs over the edge of the uncomfortable mattress, the inmate ran a strong hand over his shaved head. Broad shoulders hunched he slipped his white prison issued sneakers onto his feet. A frustrated sigh passed the guard’s lips as the inmate took his time purposely irritating the elder man. Upon hearing the barely audible sign of annoyance, the inmate’s full lips twitched into a sly smirk. A final squeak sounded as the inmate stood from the bunk, towering over the guard. The inmate extended both of his muscular arms out exposing his wrists awaiting the cold metal restraints.

“Not today.” The guard chuckled. “You’re someone else’s problem now.”

The inmate furrowed his dark eyebrows not understanding the guard’s obviously questionable statement. Each prisoner’s wrists were to be shackled to their ankles for the guards’ safety. The same routine was to take effect everyday. A guard would shackle the inmates, line them up along the hall & proceed to the cafeteria for breakfast. Taking a few seconds to soak the action in, the inmate glanced around noticing no one else around. The guard laughed at the utterly perplexed expression etched on the inmate’s face, catching his attention.

“Let’s go, to the visitation area.” The guard stated gesturing down the long deserted hall.

Their heavy footsteps echoed through the prison hallway. The on looking inmates knew better than to holler at No. 28302-066. It was a well established fact that he was ruthless. All of normal fights in prison are to establish hierarchy, but his intentions were to utterly destroy his challenger. 99.9% of the time he’s succeeded in almost killing his opponents only to be restrained at the last minute by all of the guards working at the prison. Being a 6 foot 1 inch, well built guy made it all the more difficult for guards to discipline him when needed. Especially since he always retaliates & ends up injuring at least two guards in the process. Any inmate remotely affiliated with a gang knows exactly who he is & what he’s capable of, those select few stay clear aware that getting on his bad side isn’t wise in the least.

Upon entering the visitation area, the inmate scanned the large seemingly vacant room. A 5 foot 11 inch man with shoulder length jet black hair & chocolate brown eyes sat in an uncomfortable metal fold up chair. The man held articles of clothing in his tattoo covered arms. His gaze fixated out the unclean window waving lightly. The guard placed his hand on the inmate’s broad shoulder catching his attention before pushing the inmate further into the room. The inmate turned his head glaring down at the guard.

“Let me catch you on the street. I’ll smack that smug smirk right off you’re fat fucking face.” The inmate’s deep raspy voice stated angrily as he held his hand up in an intimidating manor.

“Save it for someone that gives a shit Sanders.” The guard retorted un-intimidated by the inmate’s threat.

“You’ll give a shit when I…”

“Matt.” A deep voice called happily interrupting the inmate’s threat. The inmate turned his attention to the metal fold up chair that held the familiar man only to see him standing. A closed mouth grin formed on the man’s lightly tanned handsome features as the inmate approached him.

“Brian.” The inmate nodded as a smile spread across his plush lips.

“It’s been way too long man.” Brian stated wrapping his tattoo covered arms around Matt’s muscular body in a ‘man’ hug.

“Three years.” Matt replied pulling away from his friend.

“Here,” Brian handed the larger man a pair of jeans & a t-shirt. “Amy thought you’d want to change.”

“You brought my sister?” Matt questioned grabbing the articles of clothing from Brian.

“I told her not to come.” He sighed glancing toward the barred window. “But she wouldn’t let me leave without her.”

Matt nodded his head completely aware of his little sister’s stubborn ways. Un-phased by the presence of guards or his friend, Matt stripped himself of his uncomfortable prison issued pants. Tossing the cloth carelessly at the guard he smirked as he slid his muscular legs into the thick denim jeans. A chuckle pierced the air as Brian laughed at his friend’s action, he hadn’t changed one bit. Matt was still his rebellious, cocky, ‘don’t-give-a-shit’ self. Placing his muscular arms through the t-shirt holes Matt sighed heavily realizing the t-shirt wouldn’t fit. His arms had grown a few sizes having done nothing but work out & fight in the last three years.

“Sorry, we thought it would fit.” Brian stated apologetically.

“How is she?” Matt questioned having one person in particular in mind.

Being Matt’s right hand man, best friend & most trusted employee Brian had a special assignment while Matt was in prison. None of the others knew about the woman he was set out to protect. They had questions about where he went & why they couldn’t go, but in the end they never got their answers. Matt didn’t want anyone else to know about her. If his employees were ever tortured by the enemy he wanted to make sure she was never in danger. Matt trusted his friends but he wouldn’t endanger the object of his affection.

“She’s doing good.” Brian replied glancing out the barred window at his girlfriend.

“Have you been getting her a lot of business?” Matt questioned eying his friend expectantly.

“Shadows, she’s fine. You know me. I always get the job done.” Brian replied turning his attention to the larger man standing next to him.

“Alright.” Matt sighed taking his word. “But I want to see her.”

“With Amy around?” Brian asked raising his dark eyebrows.

“I don’t care if my sister’s with us. Just make something up. I have to see her.” Matt replied signing a few papers a guard had placed on the table beside him.

“You’re the boss.” Brian said shrugging his broad shoulders.

“That’s right.” Matt stated flashing his friend a toothy grin revealing his trade mark dimples.

After signing paperwork, receiving an appointment with his probation officer & receiving a check given to inmates as their being released; the two men started toward the door. Matt stopped short turning his large body around. Finding what he’d been looking for he raised his large hand flipping the guard from earlier the one finger salute. The guard furrowed his eyebrows at the larger man’s action. Brian stopped realizing his friend not by his side. A sly bone chillingly dark smirk spread across Matt’s handsome face as he lifted his strong hand up. Making a gun gesture with his long fingers he pointed it at the guard mouthing bang bang as he mockingly 'pulled the trigger'. Utter fear etched itself on the guards face causing Brian & Matt to grin. With that the two men turned back around heading once again to the door. Brian pulled a pair of aviator glasses from the collar of his shirt holding them out to the larger man. Matt grabbed the glasses as Brian opened the door for him.

“The boss is back & there’s going to be hell to pay.” Matt stated in a dark tone placing the aviators on the bridge of his nose earning a smirk from Brian.
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