Status: Very slowly active.

I'd Kill Myself for You, I'd Kill You for Myself

Squad Car 07

An irritated sigh passed Brian’s thin lips as his long tattooed fingers tightened their grip on the steering wheel. Vehicles of different models & sizes congested the road leading to their destination. An impatient sigh emitted from the passenger seat caused Brian’s athletic body to tense momentarily. Stealing a glance at the passenger, his chocolate colored eyes scanned the large man’s expression. Matt’s dark eyebrows furrowed together, annoyance radiating from his bulky frame as his hazel orbs glared at the line of vehicles ahead. Not having seen her in three years had been enough to sadden the eldest Sanders child. So being released from prison only to have run into traffic, prolonging the journey to see the woman who held his heart was enough to infuriate him. Everyone knows better than to annoy, irritate, anger or enrage Matt. There were select few who had & they didn’t live to tell the tale.

Crossing his muscular tattoo covered arms over his white tank top covered chest, fire built within Matt’s hazel orbs as a squad car passed the passenger side of the vehicle. 07 perfectly etched on the rear bumper caught his gaze causing him to snap his attention to the driver’s seat. The sensation of eyes watching his every move caused Brian to shift uneasily in his seat before glancing to the passenger’s side. Gulping instinctively at Matt’s furrowed eyebrows, Brian forced his chocolate orbs back to the road ahead as the road began to decongest. Brian was under the impression Matt had been annoyed with him for having to sit in a traffic jam when in reality the larger man was angered as the patrol vehicle came back to mind. Matt specifically ordered Brian to “take care” of the officer who owned squad car 07 before he was sent to prison.

Raising his strong hands, Matt removed the aviators from the bridge of his nose. Amy flicked some of her long loosely curled platinum blonde hair over her narrow shoulder glancing to the front seats. The entire ride from the prison parking lot about an hour ago had been silent. Neither her boyfriend nor her big brother had explained to her where they planned on going. Naturally she’d assumed they would be returning to the Sanders’ home but the SUV passed the streets needed to return to their house ten minutes ago. The vehicle came to a stop in front of a brick building with a vibrant neon sign reading Cryptic Ink.

“Bri, where are we?” Amy questioned scanning the area with her light blue eyes.

“We’re downtown.” Brian replied removing the keys from the ignition. The driver’s seat shifted under his weight as he turned to his girlfriend.

“Can’t we just go home?” she asked pouting her bottom lip out over dramatically. The slightest smirk formed on Brian’s thin lips at her cute action.

“No, sweetie we can’t.” he chuckled lightly. “Remember when you girls were talking about getting some tattoos?”

“Yeah but I already told you we have a place in mind already.” She replied giving her boyfriend a confused look.

“I know babe.” Brian nodded receiving a warning glance from Matt. “But this place is really good & you have to get it done here.”

“Why?” Amy questioned turning to the window, her bright baby blue eyes judging the tattoo parlor mentally.

“Because I fucking said so!” Matt shouted growing annoyed by his sister’s defiance. “Is that good enough reason Amy?” He snapped.

“Matt…” Brian started warningly, seeing the startled expression on his girlfriend’s face. The Sanders son glanced at Brian who gestured to the back seat where his sister sat. Glancing over his shoulder momentarily, he ran his strong down his scruffy face exasperatedly.

“Just get the fuck out of the car Amy.” Matt sighed.

The backseat door behind the passenger side opened as Amy did as she was told. Snatching her purse from the leather seat hastily the SUV shook lightly as the slamming of the door echoed through the now seemingly silent road. Shaking his head, Brian’s shoulder length jet black hair hung over his handsome tanned face. A look of utter annoyance played across his distinct features as the driver’s door opened. Brian had always hated how Matt spoke to Amy; if he were a better man, a better boyfriend he would stick up for her & call the larger man out on mistreating his girlfriend. In reality he knew what would become of him if he did such a thing. Matt would definitely make sure he’d never see Amy again or anyone else for that matter.

Opening the passenger door, Matt exited the SUV glancing at the building in front of him. Closing the vehicle door behind himself his hazel eyes scanned the area instinctively. This had been a routine of his every time he’d come within radius of her. The last thing he wanted to do was put the innocent woman at risk of being used as a bartering chip in a war she had nothing to do with. Amy had her back against the cold brick wall of the tattoo parlor with a cell phone to her ear as Brian held her hand in his watching her affectionately. A strange feeling bubbled within Matt’s stomach at the sight, unsure of what the emotion had been he brushed it off. Opening the glasses, the aviators were placed on the bridge of his nose as he approached his main man & little sister.

“Zack is coming.” Brian informed quietly as Amy finished her conversation.

“Hmm…” Matt scoffed still completely unhappy with his friend.

“Ames,” Brian started holding his uneasy gaze on the larger man. “Baby, why don’t you go inside?”

“Aren’t you coming?” Amy asked tugging on her boyfriend’s rough tattooed hand.

“Yeah.” He nodded tearing his gaze from Matt turning to the blond. “I’ll just be a minute.”

“Alright.” She pouted pushing her slim frame from the cold brick wall. Amy started toward the door before being pulled back by a strong hand.

“You forgot my kiss.” Brian stated cutely pointing a long finger at his lips. The couple kissed lovingly before pulling away from each other. Flashing the young woman an attractive lopsided smirk, Brian pecked Amy’s full lips once more before allowing her to leave.

“Do you want to explain to me,” Matt’s raspy voice started causing Brian to turn around as Amy entered the tattoo parlor. “why the fuck you didn’t do as you were told?”

“Wha…What do you mean?” Brian stuttered. Uneasiness built within his stomach at Matt’s suddenly calm tone. That tone was only used when someone was going to be punished & he had the unnerving feeling it would be him.

“You want to know what I mean.” Matt repeated chuckling darkly. The 6 foot 1 inch man crossed his muscular tattoo covered arms over his chiseled tank top covered chest intimidating Brian, causing him to take a step back instinctively.

“Well Bri,” he started almost mockingly. “I saw something interesting on the way here. Do you want to know what I saw?”

“…yes.” Brian replied cautiously.

“I saw a fucking squad car that shouldn’t be running right now.” Matt yelled ripping the aviators off of the bridge of his nose glaring down at his friend with cold eyes.

“What…what do you mean?” Brian asked confused by his statement.

“I mean, that badge should be dead.” Matt hissed poking the smaller man’s toned chest with the hand which held his aviators.

“He is dead.” Brian stated matter of factly.

“Then why did I see squad car 07. Everyone knows when an officer dies in this town the number is changed.” Matt said crossing his arms expectantly as he held his glare.

“What?” Brian stated more to himself than his boss. “I shot the badge myself, I watched him bleed out. He can’t…that’s not possible.”

“Are you calling me a liar Syn?” Matt growled leaning a little closer to the smaller man.

“No!” Brian replied quickly. “No, of course not, I just…it doesn’t make any sense. The badge was pumped full of bullets, there’s no way he’s walking around right now. The boys & I went to the funeral.”

“Find out where you went wrong & fucking fix it.” Matt commanded through clenched teeth as a black SUV exactly like the one they’d arrived in pulled up.

“Yeah.” Brian agreed nodding. “Yeah, I’ll check up on it tonight.”

"I chose you to be my right hand man for a reason. You're like a brother to me, I grew up with you. You always get shit done. Don't make me regret my decision Brian." Matt warned slapping his large hand against Brian's tan cheek lightly.
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This is for Jocelyn because she begged me to update. =]
Sorry it took so long. Beginnings are always hard for me.
But I'm actually going through this easier now so leave me comments & updates will be up quicker. =D