Status: Very slowly active.

I'd Kill Myself for You, I'd Kill You for Myself

Whole New Level Of Cruelty

Turning the cold metal in the ignition, the rumbling of an oversized black SUV came to a halt. Matt’s golden hazel orbs fixated themselves on the four story brick apartment building outside of the passenger window. Familiarizing themselves with every possible exit, the two men got out of the vehicle. Brian stuck a muscular tattoo covered arm under the driver’s seat removing a magnum revolver. Furrowing his dark eyebrows at a surface scratch, Brian focused his chocolate orbs on the gun using the bottom of his t-shirt to polish the 6 inch silver barrel. With a flick of his wrist the seven shot cylinder flew open. Spinning the fully loaded cylinder he snapped his wrist flicking it back into place. Lifting the t-shirt adorning his body, Brian placed the gun in the waist band of his dark washed jeans. Opening the rear hatch Matt grabbed an old 34 inch Ash wood baseball bat with Shadows etched in the barrel. Amongst using pure brute strength & brass knuckles, the baseball bat was Matt’s weapon of choice as the revolver was Brian’s.

Placing the aviators on the bridge of his nose the two men started toward the apartment building entrance. Removing the post-it note from his front jean pocket, Brian’s chocolate orbs scanned the man’s information once more. Repeating the numbers in mind as to not forget Brian opened the door gesturing for his friend to proceed. Upon entering the small lobby, Brian led the way starting up the wooden staircase. Matt slowly followed fingers dancing over the neck of the bat eager to use the weapon. Brian felt the slightest bit of sympathy for the stranger they were about to inflict pain upon. Matt’s anger causes him to be almost inhumane while punishing those who’ve done wrong in his eyes. Everyone has a limit as to how much pain they can watch someone else go through but Matt seemingly has no limit or remorse.

“Right there.” Brian stated pointing a thin finger at the thick dark oak door labeled 21.

Heavy footsteps pierced through the silence as Matt’s tall bulky frame approached the door. The sound of his strong fist meeting the wood filled the air momentarily. Brian removed the revolver from his waist band holding the gun at his side as he fixated his chocolate orbs on the door. A muffled ‘go away’ broke the silence on the other end of the oak causing Matt to furrow his dark eyebrows. Leaning his broad shoulder on the wall next to the door Matt’s hazel orbs glanced at the shorter man as he flicked his head toward the door. A thunderous crack echoed through the silent hallway as Brian’s boot made contact with the thick oak. The door flew open hitting the wall with a loud thud as a high pitched shriek filled the air. Upon entering the medium sized apartment, a tall man standing 6 feet 2 inches stood from the couch holding a slim young woman about 5 feet 4 inches against his lanky body protectively. The brunette woman continued screaming causing annoyance to quickly spread through Matt’s body.

“Syn, shut her the fuck up.” Matt commanded in an irritated tone slamming the apartment door shut.

Brian did as instructed approaching the young couple with a blank expression etched into his handsome features. A crack accompanied the fearful screams as Brian back handed the man with his revolver dropping the victim to his knees. Clasping his strong calloused hand over the young woman’s mouth a muffled sob passed her lips. Tightening his grip on the neck of his baseball bat, Matt’s heavy footsteps echoed through the apartment. Kneeling next to the man spitting blood on the ground, a loud thud pierced the silence as the head of the baseball bat made contact with the hardwood floor.

“You Louie Williams?” Matt’s raspy voice questioned curiously.

“Who wants to know?” The man spat boldly as he turned his head facing the gang leader.

Standing upright Matt dusted imaginary dirt from the knees of his jeans. Moving his neck in a circular motion he readjusted the grip he held on the bat. Sighing heavily, a loud thud echoed through the apartment as the bat made contact with the man’s spine sprawling him on the hardwood once more. Leaning over a strong hand grabbed the back of the man’s shirt pulling him roughly to his feet. Supporting the tall man’s weight by a handful of cloth, Matt grit his teeth together glaring at the man through his aviators.

“Answer the damn question.” The gang leader growled through clenched teeth.

“Fuck you.” The man wheezed narrowing his blue eyes.

“You really shouldn’t have said that.” Brian chuckled darkly as Matt growled angrily.

“Bravery gets you no where & neither does being a smartass.” Matt stated irritably throwing the man on the ground. A groan passed the man’s lips as the gang leader’s bat made contact with his side once again. “If you want to play games we’ll play games.”

Kicking the stranger a few times, Matt roughly grabbed the revolver from Brian’s hand. Flicking his wrist the cylinder flew open as clattering sounded causing metal bullets against hardwood to fill the air. Bending over a strong hand grasp one of the gold bullets from the floor. Replacing the bullet in one of the seven holes in the cylinder several clicks sounded as he spun the cylinder intimidating the man on the ground. Brian watched his boss curiously biting the inside of his cheek thoughtfully. A subconscious nod of approval came from him as he knew what “game” the gang leader had in mind, Russian roulette.

“We’re gonna play a game since you love them so much.” Matt’s raspy voice stated calmly a sickening smirk forming on his full lips. “Russian roulette...only with a twist.”

Brian knit his dark eyebrows together confused by his idea of what a “twist” would be. The man on the ground stared at the gang leader both intrigued & confused. The woman in Brian’s arms spoke the words being muffled by his large hand. Tightening his grip around the brunette’s narrow shoulder as a warning chocolate orbs fixated on Matt awaiting any further instruction. Matt’s muscular arm extended pointing the barrel at the man on the ground before slowly moving his arm until the silver barrel pointed straight at the brunette’s head. The woman attempted to get lunge out of Brian’s arms only to no avail as he tightened his grip. Fear churned within the couples’ stomachs as a chuckle rumbled within Matt’s toned chest.

“If I don’t like your answer, I pull the trigger. Get it? Good.” Matt stated not waiting for an answer from the man.

“Are you Louie Williams?” He continued causing the man to nod vigorously as he stared fearfully at the woman within Brian’s arms. The overwhelmingly loud click of the magnum revolver pierced through the silence causing Brian to snap his attention to his boss, while the man on the ground released a grunt.

“I asked you a question. Fucking answer me.” Matt snarled irritably.

“Y-yes.” Louie stuttered.

“Yes, what?” Matt questioned cocking back the hammer of the magnum causing yet another click to pierce the silence.

“Yes!” he stated quickly. “Yes I’m Louie Williams.”

“See how that works?” Matt smirked darkly.

“Who the hell are you?” Louie questioned glancing between Matt & Brian. Another click pierced the silence causing the young woman in Brian’s tattoo covered arms to squirm & whimper.

“Who said you could fucking talk?” Matt growled angrily. “You don’t talk unless answering my fucking questions. Got it?”

“I got it, I got it.” Louie replied quickly extending his arms instinctively as Matt pulled the trigger again. Brian cringed inwardly at the “game” his boss was playing. Being tough was one thing but Matt had never before been this cold.

“Why didn’t you pay Blake Stevens back for the tattoos you had done?”

“I-I didn’t…I didn’t have the money.” Louie lied quietly, locking eyes with his girlfriend.

“Wrong answer.” Matt stated cocking the hammer back pulling the trigger once more.

“Alright, alright stop.” Louie shouted fearfully as glistening tears ran down his girlfriend’s cheeks. “I spent the money.”

“On what?” Matt growled angrily narrowing his hazel orbs at the man from behind his aviators. Louie glanced at his girlfriend’s neck earning Matt’s attention. Turning to the young woman hazel orbs fixated on the diamond necklace adorning her slender neck. Raising a strong hand toward her, the young woman squirmed violently attempting to escape from Brian’s tight grasp. Taking the thin chain between his long fingers, Matt tore the jewel from the woman’s neck.

“You spent the money on this?” Matt questioned in an angered tone holding the necklace in a clenched fist.

“Yes.” Louie replied locking eyes with his girlfriend. Cocking the magnum once more a click sounded as the young woman sobbed uncontrollably in Brian’s arms.

“You really need to get a hold on this game because your girl only has a 50/50 chance of living right now. There are two shots left, one of which has a bullet. So I suggest you don’t fuck up.” Matt stated smirking darkly revealing his lethal & undeniably attractive dimples.

“You’re going to pay Blake the money you owe her, plus $500 extra for being late.” Matt instructed cocking the hammer back. “You’ll also apologize for being late with the payment.”

“Yeah.” Louie stated quickly nodding vigorously. “I can do that.”

Throwing the necklace at the man on the ground, Matt glanced at Brian. Chocolate orbs fixated on his boss he stared at the larger man curious if the experience was really over or not. Raising a large hand to his face, Matt removed the aviators from the bridge of his nose locking eyes with Brian. Full lips twitching into a devious & dark smirk the gang leader nodded lightly at his employee. Brian glanced at the man on the ground locking eyes with him momentarily, slowly loosening the grip he held on the woman in his arms. Matt pulling the trigger an earsplitting sound piercing the silence as a mist of blood clouded the air momentarily. Brian lost all contact from the young woman as a heart wrenching thud echoed through the now silent apartment.

“Hmm, I honestly thought she had that won.” Matt chuckled heartlessly as Louie crawled over to the lifeless body sobbing uncontrollably.

“Syn, pick up the rest of your bullets.” He commanded gesturing to the crimson covered bullets on the ground. Brian stood stiffly staring at the couple on the ground before slowly bending down grabbing the bullets covered in warm blood.

“I expect you to pay Blake by noon tomorrow.” Matt stated turning to Louie. “By the way I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention any of this to her.”

“You son of a bitch, I answered all of your fucking questions.” Louie shouted sorrow in his voice as it shook violently.

“I did you a favor; she was cheating on you anyway.” Matt replied placing the magnum revolver in Brian’s calloused hand. “I knew she looked familiar. I saw her earlier outside of the shop making out with some blond guy.”

Heavy footsteps echoed through the apartment as Matt started toward the front door with Brian in tow. Glancing over his broad shoulder Brian fixated his chocolate orbs on the lifeless woman in Louie’s arms. Closing his eyes momentarily he turned away quickly following after the larger man. Nausea churned within Brian’s stomach as he glanced down at his t-shirt a large mist of blood on the chest area where the young woman’s head once was. Normally Brian had no problem doing his job but Matt’s cruelty has shown a whole new level. Deep within his stomach he knew this was just the beginning. The woman was completely innocent they’ve never killed the innocent before, only the corrupt. Shaking himself from his thoughts Brian came to a stop as Matt stood in the open doorway.

“Have a nice day.” Matt called over his broad shoulder chuckling as he & Brian left the apartment.
♠ ♠ ♠
If I did my job right then Matt should sound completely & utterly cold.
Gang leader should be brutal. Sorry =/
He won't always be this way though.
Anyway, tell me what you think.