Status: Very slowly active.

I'd Kill Myself for You, I'd Kill You for Myself

Not So Innocent

Reaching their destination, Brian grasped the cold metal turning the key in the ignition. The rumbling of the oversized black SUV came to a sudden stop. An uneasy silence filled the cab of the vehicle as neither of its occupants said a word, both for different reasons. Brian absentmindedly fixated his gaze on the hood of the SUV as his strong hands still gripped the steering wheel tightly. Due to what had just happened he wasn't sure what to make of his friend anymore. They've known each other for what feels like a lifetime & never had he witnessed his friend commit such a cruel act. Shaking someone down for money was one thing, but killing an innocent woman for insurance of a payment. That was just...unnecessary. Brian had always taken pride in working for the Sanders family because they were the only gang that did things by a code. The code was simple; you do as the leader says no questions asked, protect your fellow members or "brothers" with your life, shake down & when necessary kill the corrupt. Against his better judgment Brian felt the need to speak, he had to let Matt know what he did went against the code.

"I've done what you've asked me to do without so much as a second thought." Brian stated quietly gulping as the sensation of intense hazel eyes watching caused him to shift in the driver's seat uncomfortably. "B-but." He stammered closing his eyes for a moment before opening them slowly. "What you just did was wrong."

"What I just did?" Matt's raspy voice questioned in an oddly calm tone before a dark chuckle escaped his throat. "What I just did was necessary."

"You killed an innocent girl man." Brian retorted turning his attention to the bulky frame in the passenger seat. "She didn't have anything to do with her boyfriend blowing money off."

"She wasn't innocent." Matt replied shifting in his seat.

The rustling of denim against the leather seats pierced through the silence as he slipped his strong hand in the jean pocket. Brian's chocolate orbs quickly landed on the crumpled up photograph which Matt had thrown into his lap. Furrowing his dark eyebrows, he glanced up as his friend causing him to point a long finger at the photo gesturing for him to open it. Doing as told, a slight crackling filled the cab of the SUV as Brian un-crumpled the photo. As his gaze landed on the picture his jaw clenched, his eyes went cold & expression turned dark. The woman was anything but innocent, she was the person responsible for the murder of a friend; one of the Avenged girls.

"I may have been in prison for 3 years but I haven't forgotten how to run things." Matt's raspy voice stated disrupting the silence.

"Why didn't you say something?" Brian questioned irritably as he furrowed his dark eyebrows & looked toward his friend. "I would've killed the bitch myself." He snarled angrily before Matt snatched the photo from Brian's grasp.

"I wanted to take care of it for him. We both know if he'd found out he would've gone out & killed everyone she'd ever spoken to."

"We should've let him. It was his revenge to take not ours." Brian replied with an edge to his voice causing Matt to raise his dark eyebrows & glance over to the driver's seat.

"That's not the way we do things." Matt retorted shocked by Brian's sudden change of attitude toward the matter.

"She killed his fiance, Matt." Brian seethed through clenched teeth. "She was one of us; family."

"I know that Brian." Matt snapped irritably. "But I can't have him getting emotional & possibly putting the group at risk!"

"We could've helped him." Brian mumbled, shaking his head with furrowed eyebrows as he glared at the steering wheel.

"You know damn well how stubborn he is." Matt replied glancing over at the smaller man. Just as Brian opened his mouth to counter anger boiled within Matt's stomach causing him to narrow his hazel orbs dangerously. "We're not discussing this shit anymore. What's done is done. Don't mistake my act of kindness for one of my men as a weakness. Don't forget who the fuck you're talking to Brian."

Realization struck Brian like a ton of bricks, he'd just questioned his boss. An uneasiness quickly washed over his senses as everything became quiet. If he wanted to remain breathing he needed to close him mouth. Matt may or may not kill him during a rage of anger. Brian knew he didn't want to be the brunt of that scenario so he knew he'd have to apologize. Before he had a chance to speak the tattoo parlor door flew open earning both men's attention. Amy stood in the doorway with a bright attractive smile spread across her soft features.

"Isn't it great?!" She squealed happily turning around & pointing to her lower back. Matt's hazel orbs landed on the tattoo now adorning the young woman's lower back.

Amy grinned happily at her brother & her boyfriend before running back into the tattoo parlor. Matt's hazel orbs were fixated on the spot his baby sister had just stood. When they'd brought the young woman to the tattoo parlor he wasn't expecting her to get branded. The realization of his little sister's actions settled in causing him to furrow his dark eyebrows. Brian groaned inwardly at the youngest Sanders' horrible timing. He didn't have a change to tell Matt what they'd planned on doing yet. Not even a few seconds later, the back passenger door opened & Amy hopped into the SUV.

"See you tomorrow." Amy called happily before closing the vehicle door.

"We're talking about this later." Matt growled at Brian before placing his aviators on the bridge of his nose & violently sitting back in his seat with his muscular tattoo covered arms crossed over his toned chest. He'd been so wrapped up in the days events & his sister's new tattoo that he hadn't noticed what was said. He didn't notice Amy had called out to Blake telling her she'd see her tomorrow or where exactly she'd be seeing her.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is for Your Ugly Demise because she's awesome. =] Everyone should thank her for the update.
This wasn't my best chapter but it's a start & everything should make sense in the next chapter. You'll find out who was killed & what exactly "branded" means. =]
Oh! I changed the picture of Blake. So go look at the description.
Either way she's still a hot blond. =P
Tell me what you think.