Status: Very slowly active.

I'd Kill Myself for You, I'd Kill You for Myself

"What Have We Here?"

A disgruntled sigh passed Nikko Romano’s lips as his milk chocolate orbs remained glued to the Sanders manor. Gianni Panici had given him the dull task of intelligence. Nikko didn’t do intelligence. Although he had the stealth for it, he didn’t exactly have the patience for it. Adjusting himself within the driver’s seat, Nikko shifted within the leather seat frowning noticeably as he placed his head against the headrest. Four hours had gone by and he wasn’t exactly sure what he was to be looking for. No one had left and no one had shown up since the Offering ended two hours prior. Although curiosity had been slowly picking at his brain. No one in the Sanders manor owned a fire engine red Saturn, yet there it sat five feet from the entrance.

“What have we here?” Nikko whispered to himself. Leather seat shifting under his weight as he sat up. Dark eyebrows rising at the sight of Amy Sanders escorting a stunning blonde to the Saturn he’d been wondering about. Reaching for the camera in the passenger seat, Nikko brought the Canon camera to his face peering out of the Astroscope night vision lens. She was definitely a looker. Long blonde locks, a perfectly crafted nose, full peach lips, soft porcelain skin, smooth rose colored cheeks, breath taking emerald orbs, and the perfect voluptuous hour glass figure. She was the epitome of beautiful. He’d never seen this woman before let alone seen her anywhere near the Sanders’.

Camera shutters pierced through the silent cab as Nikko snapped a few pictures of the young woman. He was almost 99.9% sure there was nothing interesting about her presence. A mere one night stand to one of the many men who worked for the Avenged Brotherhood or maybe to one of the Brotherhood themselves. Nonetheless, he was contemplating bedding the beauty himself. All he had to do was bump into the young woman, lift her wallet or another valuable from her purse, return it to her and charm her into a date or two. He’d performed the maneuver successfully too many times to count.

The overwhelming aroma of smoke filled Nikko’s nostrils as he brought the Marlboro within his fingertips to his lips. Pursing his lips against the filter, he inhaled deeply causing the paper of the cigarette to vanish quickly as nicotine filled his system. Flicking the filter out the driver’s window, Nikko sat up turning the cold metal within the ignition. A low purr emitting from the vehicle’s engine as he began his trip back home.

The glossy wood paneled floors creaked lightly under Blake’s bare feet as she padded through the pitch black hallway toward the master bedroom. A light squeak of the door hinges pierced the silence as she quietly nudged the bedroom door open. Jet black heels in hand. A sliver of moonlight shone through the window illuminating the queen sized bed. A small smirk slowly crept across her full lips at the sight. Ryan; her boyfriend of three years and best friend since birth, sprawled out upon the mattress. One of his bare muscular arms hanging off the mattress, his dark chestnut hair sticking in different directions, his bright ocean blue eyes closed in a peaceful slumber, his strong jaw slackened the slightest, his plush lips hanging open lightly as soft snores emitted from his throat.

Quietly sneaking toward the bedroom window. Placing the heels within her hand on the floor with a light thump before slipping the form hugging tight red dress from her petite frame. As she stood up, the reflection of dull parking lights caught her attention. The smallest dose of anxiety churned within her stomach as she peered out the window. Squinting the slightest, her light eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. A bulky shadow sat in the driver’s seat of an oversized auburn Cadillac. A tiny scoff passed her full peach lips as she shook her head. She was clearly reading too much into the strangers presence. For a moment as she raised her thin toned arms to close the curtains she could have sworn she felt a set of eyes watching her every move. Shaking her head, her long blonde locks bounced lightly as she giggled to herself. Sometimes her paranoia got the best of her.

The queen sized mattress shifted as the petite blonde crawled into bed beside her beau. A comfortable sigh passing her lips as she nuzzled her nose against the smooth hot skin of his neck. A subconscious smirk crept across his full lips as his muscular arm instantly wrapped around her small waist. Ryan’s muscular frame stirred as Blake pressed her full peach lips to his skin. A trail of delicate kisses from his collarbone to his Adams apple. A low hum vibrated the young woman’s lips as Ryan groaned quietly. Blake suppressed a giggle, the pillow rustling under her hair as she glanced up at her boyfriend’s face.

“Hey gorgeous.” He croaked, voice raspy from lack of use.

“Hi handsome.” She whispered adoringly. The moonlight accompanied with the orange rays from the street lamp outside illuminating the room in a dim glow. A crooked sleepy close mouthed smile crept across his plush lips as he felt her gaze. Ultimately adding to his pleasant features. Even in the dead of night amidst the darkness she could make out those breathtaking baby blues. The very same vibrant blue orbs that never failed to make her fall in love all over again.

“How was your friend’s party?” Ryan questioned, a yawn immediately following.

“It was… interesting?”

“It was boring wasn’t it?” He prodded, catching the obvious hesitation. A low chuckle rumbled within the depths of his chest. Blake smacked his bare chest playfully, giggling happily but nodding nonetheless.

“In her defense she did say that it was a business party.” She responded, nuzzling her nose against his bare shoulder. Before mumbling against his skin. “But it was nice of her to invite me. I got to meet her boyfriend and brother‘s friends. They‘re all really nice.”

“I’m glad baby.” Ryan whispered, goosebumps spreading through his limbs as her hot breath rolled over his bare skin. Those alluring full peach lips brushing nimbly against his shoulder with every word spoken. A surprised squeak disrupted the silent bedroom as Ryan placed his strong hands on Blake’s hips rolling them over. A hunger bubbling within the depths of his vibrant blue orbs as he hovered over her slim frame. “You’re so beautiful.”

“Baby.” Blake whined placing her thin hands over her face in embarrassment.

“It’s true.” He chuckled, grinning handsomely at her cute action as she peeked through her thin fingers. “You’re adorable too.”

“Is that so?” She questioned in a whisper, slowly gliding the tips of her fingers up his large biceps. Stomach knotting in excitement as his muscles flexed involuntarily under her sprightly touch.

Ryan mumbled an ‘mhmm’ before gradually descending his lips upon hers. Full, warm, and luscious. The kiss was slow and sensual. All of the week’s pent up passion boiling over as the lip lock intensified. Wrapping her long lean legs around his strong waist, a gasp filled their mouths as he ground his hips against hers. Ryan’s lips twisting in a smug satisfied smirk. The moment came to a crashing halt. A startled scream filling the air as the bedroom door flew open. In the blink of an eye, Ryan had reached his palm under his pillow removing a 22 millimeter 40 caliber jet black Glock from it’s resting place.

“Alright! That’s enough of that. We’re needed at the station. They’re going in for the bust and since it was our case and all…” Jared’s deep voice stated unaffected by the firearm pointed directly at his chest or the compromising position the young couple currently froze in.

“Really.” Ryan huffed. “ Do you ever knock?” He growled out in frustration. The mattress shifting due to movement as he sat back on his knees blocking his younger brother’s view of the young woman’s practically nude frame sprawled out on the bed.

“No.” The younger man stated simply. Shrugging his broad shoulders before turning to leave the room obviously satisfied with his handy work.

Ryan pinched the bridge of his nose between his index finger and thumb, standing with his bare back facing the bed almost afraid to move from his spot. An unhappy sigh passed Blake’s full lips, clutching at the covers in an attempt to shield her bare self. Frustration, exhaustion and annoyance churning within the depths of her thoughts. This had become routine the last year and a half. Late night calls from the office, stake outs, mountains of case work to rummage through, and information he couldn‘t share. It was straining the relationship and both sides could feel the pressure.

The clinking of metal pierced through the silence as Ryan slipped his jean pants on. Never once did the young man dare to sneak a peek at his girlfriend afraid he would give in and stay behind. He could only imagine the pitiful expression on her beautiful face. The heart wrenching pout on those full peach lips. The dejection in those appealing emerald eyes. A heavy sigh escaped Ryan’s lips, strong hands on his lean hips as he contemplated his next move.
“I’m sorry.” His deep voice apologized quietly.

“Can we just not do this.” She whispered, voice shaking from the hot tears threatening to fall from her saddened eyes.

“Baby.” He sighed giving in to the overwhelming urge to look her way. “I’m sorry.”

“I know you are.” She replied. Mattress shifting as the young woman rolled over.

“I didn’t know…” He trailed off as he slipped on a form fitting white tank top.

“You never do.”

A tense silence filled the air as Ryan shrugged his broad shoulders into a government issued raven black button up t-shirt. With an emotionless expression he snatched the steel weapon from it’s resting place on the edge of the mattress. Blake visibly winced as the all too familiar sound of metal scrapping denim entered her ear drums. Placing a strong hand on his jean clad hip the other found it’s way to his short dark chestnut hair. Tangling in what locks had grown since he cut it last, which in all wasn’t much.

For the first time in a long time he was genuinely afraid. He was frightened that the one profession he’d strived for all his life would come crashing down the moment the young blonde walked out the door, never to look back. He knew, just as anyone who truly knew him, that Blake was his life. He loved her more then words could describe. But how long could someone obtain a healthy relationship with someone who was never there? How long could he expect her to be there broken promise after missed date?

A dismal frown infected Ryan’s full lips as he cautiously approached the bed. The moonlight illuminating the young woman adding to the solemn heartbreaking expression upon the beauty’s face. A rogue tear glistening as it rolled down her soft porcelain cheek. Emerald orbs glimmering with unshed tears. As heart wrenching as her expression may be, even in the midst of anguish she was unmistakably ravishing. Almost as if she were Aphrodite in the flesh. Light thuds pierced the silence as jean clad knees met the hardwood paneling.

“Baby, look at me.” Ryan whispered, voice shaking as he composed the sadness breaking through his gentle demeanor. Placing his strong hands upon her face, the moisture from her tears dampened his palms. The instant emerald met ocean blue, Ryan visibly gulped. The helplessness in the young woman’s eyes was unbearable. Despite the melancholy atmosphere, Blake took the opportunity to take in Ryan’s handsome features. Genetics were definitely in the Parkers’ favor. All of the Parker men were unmistakably handsome. Painfully so.

He had a strong jaw line. The kind that made women want to reach out and brush their fingertips against his face. A sizable nose, not too big but large enough to be noticeable. Yet it in no way took away from his looks. Thin appealing rose tinted lips. Reaching a thin hand out, Ryan closed his vibrant eyes in comfort as Blake’s fingers delved in his short silky dark chestnut locks. Always so soft to the touch. Opening his eyes once more the young man gazed at his girlfriend in adoration. Before speaking as softly as his deep voice would allow.

“I promise I’ll be home before you wake up.”

“Please don’t.” She whispered with a sigh. “I don’t want you to promise me anything.”

“But I am. I’m promise you Blake Marie Stevens that I’ll be in this bed right by your side you when you open those beautiful eyes of yours.”

An involuntary close mouthed smile crept across her full lips. Closing the gap between their faces, Ryan softly pressed his lips against hers in a gentle kiss. Strawberries dancing over his taste buds the moment his tongue licked over his lips as they parted. Foreheads pressed together, the young couple wished that even for one day they could have peace. A day of silence being wrapped up in each other’s arms, no cell phones, no appointments, no customers or cases. However they both knew what they were getting into from the beginning. An entrepreneur and a cop. The distance was inevitable. Yet neither could’ve ever imagined it would be this hard.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry it took so long!
I just got married a week ago and I've been trying to get my name change under control. There's a lot more to do then I thought there would be. Plus I've been working a lot more. My 10hr day tomorrow is a prime example. -_- lol.
BUT I am quite proud of this chapter and it should suffice for now. :]
Comment and subscribe people!
Tell me what you think. :D
P.S. I want to put a picture of Ryan's character up because it's Ben McKenzie and he's beautiful, lol. :D
