Rosalie's View

Chapter 2: Edwards return

For the next few days, when Jasper would go somewhere with Alice or be gone for business, I would help Esme get threw the idea of Edwards departure.

When I strode in from the garage, after working on Emmett's Jeep, I saw Alice freeze in the middle of her daily clean. As soon as I realized what was going on and headed toward her Jasper was at her side. I reached her at the same time Esme did. Soon after Emmett was at my side with a puzzled look on his face.

"What is it, Alice," Jasper spoke calmly.

"He's coming back.... He's really coming back...." Alice said with a cheery grin. At that moment I knew who was coming.

"Who... Who is coming back...." I heard Esme say with a bit of excitement in her voice.

"Edward," Alice and I said at the same instant. Only, Alice had more enthusiasm.

"Really," Emmett, Jasper, and Esme said. They all seemed very happy. I figured Emmet was glad because he was tired of having no one to wrestle with.

I was mad. I had a word or two to say to Edward when he got back. I had so much to yell at him about. But, my mood suddenly changed. Jasper! Of course I couldn’t be mad with Jasper here. His stupid extra ability. I decided to leave the room to configure my plans in peace. Emmett followed me.

We talked and I calmed down. I always did when I was with him. Hours later, I heard a Volvo headed up the long curvy road. Edward was back. I walked at a human pace down the stairs, my fingers interlocked with Emmett's. And as we made it to the bottom step, Edward walked in the door.

Esme nearly knocked him to the ground as he stepped in the door. "Don't you ever do that to me again, Edward!" she told him sternly.

"I won't, Mom," he said.

"I missed you so much. I’m so glad your back."

"That makes two of us," Emmett said as he punched Edward in the arm and chuckled.

"We are all glad to have you back," Jasper said with a smile.

"Speak for yourself. I’m not glad he's back,” I said under my breath. But of course Edward turned to me.

“Nice to see you too, Rose,” he said sarcastically shooting me a fake smile.

“Rose, Edward, do you two always have to fight. Edward just got home…. Rosalie, be nice,” Carlisle said as he slipped in the door.

“Fine, but tomorrow me and you need to have a talk,” I told Edward.

For the rest of the afternoon, we went hunting. We went up to the mountains so Edward could have Mountain Lion… his favorite. When we returned, I went to my room to figure out what I planned on saying to Edward. Soon after, Emmett showed up and we watched a movie and planned a date for tomorrow.

The next morning I went down stair to wait for Edward, so we could talk before we left for school, when he strode in from outside. That was odd.

“Ready,” he asked me.

“Um, ya, I guess?” I said still puzzled by where he came from.

I headed toward the river and he followed. We continued on until we reached a large field. The baseball field. I headed toward the middle of the field but Edward stopped me.

“What did you want to talk to…..” he started but as soon as I thought it he knew what I wanted. “I wasn’t trying to be inconsiderate,” he began. “I didn’t want to hurt her,” he was being really defensive.

I rolled my eyes. “Where were you?” I questioned. I had to ask.

“I went….. Away.”

“What, to go check on that stupid Isabella girl…”

“Bella,” he corrected, and that made me a little mad. “And actually…. Yes. I wanted to see if I could read her mind now. Its very frustrating not knowing what she is thinking. Bella, is very interesting when she sleeps.”

“What is so fascinating about her… She is nothing but trouble,” I continued what I was saying, before he corrected me with the stupid human girls nickname.

“I don’t know! That’s the problem!”

“So what now? Do you like her or something? Do you like a horrible girl that has been nothing but trouble for us?” I said sarcastically. That human was no different then anyone else. She isn’t even that pretty. How could he have an interest for her, when he didn’t like me?

“Because she is fascinating,” he answered my unspoken question. “She is kind of pretty, though, in her own way. And Rose, you are very pretty, but first you have Emmett and second you just aren’t my type, I guess you could say.”

“Well, this is all her fault. And, what where you thinking, leaving without telling Esme goodbye. Do you know how she felt when she realized you where gone and didn’t know when, and if you where coming back. She flipped.”

“Rose, do you think that if I where to have told her I was leaving she would have let me go? I don’t think so!” He had a point. “Well, shall we head back home,” he asked. I nodded and we headed back.

When Edward and returned we meet the others in the garage. We all slipped into Edwards Silver Volvo and headed to school.

When we got there I wondered off with Emmett to go to history.

“Where did you and Edward run off to this morning?” Emmett asked.

“I led him to the baseball field. I yelled at him,”

“Nice job!!” he interrupted. We both laughed.

“… we talked…. I found out he likes the human girl….” I went on casually.

“WHAT!!!!!!!” Emmet exploded.

“Calm down. There are people around…. He was at her house this morning before school. He claims he just wanted to see if he could still not read her mind. But he was gone a little too long to for that to be the case,” I explained and Emmett just sat there wide eyes.

I explained things to him for the rest of school. At the end of the day we went to meet everyone at the car. I looked and Alice’s face went blank. Suddenly there was a car screech and a van came around the corner head straight toward Bella, who was standing right by her red Ford.

In a flash Edward was over by her. That infuriated me! That could expose us all. As the car crashed into car I saw Edward shove her out of the way, and due to the fact we where going at a speedy human speed toward the soon to be crash, I heard a crack. I had a feeling it was Bella. I fought back a smile. Then as the van kept moving, then I saw Edward lift it. Then I snapped.

I roared a fierce growl. But since everyone was rushing toward the scene no one except Alice, Jasper, and Emmett heard me. Then Edward pulled her toward the sidewalk.

The ambulance showed up and escorted them and Tyler to the hospital…