Rosalie's View

Chapter 4: Home

I walked down the hall back toward Carlisle’s office and Edward was there. Carlisle must have been off taking care of Edwards precious human thing.

“Before you totally flip out on me…” Edward started but I cut him off!

“Did you even consider what you could have done to the family! You could have exposed all of us! You are so inconsiderate you jerk!” I was screaming at him when he finally said something.

“I had to stop the van!”

“No you didn’t you could have let that stupid human die and she wouldn’t be a menace to us anymore!” I said sharply.

“No I couldn’t have,” before I could cut him off he held up a finger. “Like I told Carlisle if she got hurt and started to bleed I would no doubt end up exposing us. I would have killed her and then probably more people! I had no choice!”

That stumped me. He had a point. But I was still pissed so I couldn’t really do anything about it. “What ever Edward,” I said bluntly, “just go be with that stupid menacing human you seem to like now! Just expose the family because obviously that’s what your trying to do!”

Before he could say another word I turned and left the room. I was I the car so fast no humans could have possibly saw me. I ran. Emmett was right behind me of course!

“I hate him!” I exclaimed as Emmett got into the car. “He is so inconsiderate and he has no brain! Aaaaaggggggghhhhhhh!”

“Calm down, babe” he told me. “He does have a good reason for saving her. But he shouldn’t have some so close to exposing us I agree. But no one saw him!”

“But I bet that foul girl noticed that she was alone and then he suddenly had Edward next to her and he held the van off her!”

“But..” Emmett said trying not to make me any more mad then I already was. “He will figure out something!” Then Edward, Alice, and Jasper slid into the car. Time to back to school.

When we got home I went strait upstairs. This time Emmett didn’t follow. I needed some alone time and he new that…. Or he didn’t want me to rip his head off for trying to help me…. I couldn’t tell. When I got upstairs I laid down on the bed.

I thought about what would happen if Bella figured out our little secret. I don’t want to leave yet was all I could think. I was so mad at Edward it would be all his fault. He put this down on us because he cant control himself.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. “Can I come in,” I heard Alice’s soprano voice exclaim.

“Ya,” I said “come on in.”

“So how you doin, Rose?” she asked me.

“Good, I guess. Just really pissed at Edward. But that’s not new. What’s up?”

“You seemed really sad so I figures I would keep you company.”

“Well…. I could use some future knowledge.”

“What you need!” she said enthusiastically.

“I want to know if Bella will figure out what we are. Will we have to move. I don’t want to move yet, Alice.”

“I don’t see us moving, Rose…. But I think Bella will figure out what we are. I haven’t told Edward and I haven’t thought about it around him but I think that she might end up becoming one of us. I keep seeing it. Ever since he talked to her at the hospital. I think he actually likes her.” But before she could say anything else Edward screamed.


“Oh crap!” Alice and I said as Edward came storming into my room. He had been walking by when Alice was explaining.

“Oooppps…” Alice said.

“Ya..” Edward and I said.

“Well…. I guess he knows now,” Alice said in my ear knowing Edward knew what she had said. Stupid mind reader.

Then Carlisle called us all downstairs. Time for the family meeting!

We were down there in a flash. Carlisle and Esme were already there. Then, Emmett and Jasper showed up.