Rosalie's View

Chapter 5: Family meeting

We all sat around the able where we held most of the family meetings! I sat across from Alice and next to Emmett! Jasper sat with Alice on one side and Edward on the other. Emmett sat with Carlisle on the other side with Edward in front of him. Esme sat across from Carlisle.

We were all having hushed conversations. Carlisle told all of us to chill out and we started the meeting. First, Alice gave us a heads up about a group of vamps coming us this way. Then, we talked about this issue with the Quilent wolves. Finaly we got to the issue with Edward. First Edwatd started with the whole accident thing.

“I didn’t mean to!” he argued. “If her blood would have spilled I would have no dought exposed us. She doesn’t suspect anything. I told her she hit her head and doesn’t know what happened….”

“But she didn’t buy it!!!!!!” I burst out.

“What are you taking about!” Everyone but Alice and Edward said.

“If she is still in our future and she is a vampire he obviously didn’t make her think he is normal!”

“What!!!” Jasper, Emmett, Carlisle, and Esme freaked.

“Alice saw her as one of us…..” I said in a lower tone even though I was really pissed. Alice nodded and they all turned to her.

“I was sitting with Jasper when we were at the hospital and I had this vision. I saw that Bella and I were shopping and she had golden eyes and pale skin…. And……… a ring..”

Everyone incuding Edward and I were shocked. Suddenly Edward jumped up an stormed out of the room. He was pissed. Emmett followed him and the rest of us sat there.

Carlisle looked at me, then Alice, then Jasper, then Esme. “What an interesting family meeting,” he said to all of us. He rose and then so did the rest of us. We all walked out of the kitchen shocked.
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this one is realy short compared to the other ones!
I hope u ike it anyway....