Beverly and the Bevan: A Bloke's Romance

A bloke's romance. The story of a blokey romance that is a romance written by a bloke about a bloke. It's comedic (or supposed to be). It's kind of a comedic attack on the evergrowing list of romantic novels coming out.
  1. Prologue
    The prologue of what is increduously amazing story (not really)... just read it
  2. Chapter 1: That Annoying Introductory bit
    this is whre you meet Gavin the amazing star of this amazing story (yeah... i'm going to hell for lying like that)
  3. Chapter 2: the chapter where I meet a fabulous roo
    title says it all really...
  4. Chapter 3: that chapter where theres vampires for
    as the title says "that chapter where theres vampires for no apparent reason"
  5. Chapter 4: The Online Dating Chapter
    this chapter covers online the title says... Gavin meets a girl... but is this girl all she appears to be? read and find out...
  6. Chapter 5: The Devil went down to georgia
    The chapter where gavin goes on a date with a transexual... how thrilling... not
  7. Chapter 6: this is the end
    after 5 years, finale the gripping finale to a blokes romance