Beverly and the Bevan: A Bloke's Romance

Chapter 6: this is the end

Suddenly, the writer lost interest, the god of all things in this universe disbanded, he was gone, There was nothing, not a whisper... suddenly the world stood still. Frozen.. without a writer the world failed to move on, and yet the writer himself did

ALSO.. there was a bomb because of reasons..and everyone died... but Gavin being a more complex character knew beyond this, as he lied dying, parts of his body splattered on the other side of the room... he knew.. he had died because he was left, unloved... this wasn't a romance... it was a tragedy, he never even got be anything more than a satire, painted by a smart ass god who thought himself funny. Gavin knew the world ceased to exist because the writer had forsaken him, the writer was taking the easy way out, something Gavin, tho not the smartest chap would never do...

"that fucking cheese dick writer, trying to write a self-satirical way out so this story has closure without having closure... who's the real joke huh".. thought gavin as he pick the remains of his nose for one last booger before he died... the writer professed from his writery tower... "I am the writer... i have failed you.. i am sorry.. but its over, romance is dead..."

ANd they all died... the end