Guardian Angels

Chapter 7

"So what brings you all here?" I asked as the seven of us sat down at the table that I usually shared with Ebbs and Elly.

"For some reason, all of our parents decided to move into the area, and this being the closest school and all," Ray explained, the girls and I giving an understanding nod.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Elly asked randomly, the guys all looking pretty much confused.

"There is no plan," Ebbs replied, stabbing what looked like macaroni with a spork. While we were blessed with cafeteria ladies that actually knew how to cook, you could never really tell what they were serving.

"Any ideas Ell?" I asked her, knowing she probably had three already thought out.

"Crash at my house tonight of course, we can go get your stuff after school," she said as if we had to be dense to not know that already.

"What exactly needs a plan?" Frank asked curiously.

"This might explain something," Elly said licking her thumb, and before Ebbs could move to stop her, Elly's thumb had makeup smeared on it, giving light to the now purple bruise on her jaw. "Now Dahl nearly died of an asthma attack and apparently he threw you into something, anything else you didn't tell me this morning guys?"

Ebbs and I both bowed our heads, Elly knew exactly what had happened last night, and the gasp from the direction of the guys sure said something. We couldn't even be mad at her, if anything, after Mom died, she was always there for us.

"Your dad has been doing this crap to you since I met you in second grade, we should've put a stop to it then!" she whispered loudly.

"We know Elly, we know," Ebbs nodded with a heavy sigh. "So after school?"

"Damn straight," she smiled, smiles all coming back to the guys' faces. "I'm sorry you guys, I just despise your father greatly, and I'm sure the feeling's mutual.

"So even if this is absolutely none of our business and we're all basically lost, can I ask just one question?" Frank asked, looking at each of us for a reply.

"Shoot," I nodded, figuring the question couldn't be too bad.

"If this has been going on for so long, how many other people know about it?"

And turns out, the question did hit pretty hard, because the answer showed how much control our father had over us.

"Our mom did, Elly does, and now, you all," I explained.

"Wait, your mom did?" Gerard asked confusedly. "Your dad didn't-"

"No, no, no, she died of cancer when we were about six. He probably contributed to her early death though," Ebony said, mumbling the last part with a hint of anger. "Do you guys promise not to tell anyone though? It's not something we need publicized across the school, or town for that matter."

"Only if you promise to not let him hurt you like he does from now on," Ray said, looking between his friends and getting all nods of agreement.

"Deal," Elly said, taking both of our hands and placing them in the middle of the table where the guys also stacked their hands on top.

"Deal," Ebbs and I smiled.

"So we promise to keep our mouths shut if you promise to let us help you out of this, agreed?" Mikey spoke up, everyone nodding.

And this officially started the memories of when we earned five new friends, five guardian angels you could say.