Status: Halts.

Chasing Dreams

02: Home Again

Auckland, New Zealand

I wake as the plane lands. Ugh, jet lag. I haven't had that in a while. But here I am Auckland international airport. I'm sure I have a crappy rental car booked or a bus or something to get back to Raglan. I make it through customs in one piece with all my belongings then begin rummaging through them and pull out a bus ticket to get me back to Raglan. We still have our place there, and from memory I should have a car there, and a free place to stay. I check the time on the ticket. Oh shit, it's just about to leave. I run as fast as I can and just make it on time. Thankfully it's not an overly long bus ride to get home.

Raglan, New Zealand

It was late when I make it to Raglan so I didn't waste time getting to the house Dodge still owned there. I walk in; dump my things in my room then walk around the house. No one had been here in a few years, everything was the same. As a walk back up the stairs I notice the pictures on the wall, Taj and I, Dodge, my parents and sister. I feel my heart breaking as I look back reminiscing at how happy Taj and I were. I sigh. Who ever knew that coming home could be so painful? I continue up the stairs, and see Taj's open door. I forgot he had a room here. I peer in the open door and stand in the door way, it’s empty... Instead of trying to rack my brain and figure out why, I walk down the hall to my room and gp to bed, got to catch up on sleep from jet lag somehow.

I wake up the next morning, still half sleep. For the first time in forever I wasn't in the mood for a surf. Instead I felt the need to drink. I head to a cafe on the beach front; they always had nice food there, order some breakfast and sat by myself.
The bar next door was always known for its fights, I remember Taj and I getting into quite a few when we would come back for holidays, we would always sit on the beach drinking and laughing about it later. But since the bar isn't open at this hour, I guess the fights have to go somewhere. An average looking guy flew into the wall next to me, after living in America for so long I've learnt that if you're not willing to get involved ignore it. So, I ignore it to the point where the guy throwing the average looking around, walks into the cafe and knocks around my table and everything on it around, now I'm willing to get involved. I stand up casually, pick up the chair I was sitting on and hit the bigger guy around the head with it, the cafe owner, a childhood friend of Taj's laughs as I grab my bottle of V and walk out to go sit on the beach in the sand, but I soon found that I was not alone.
"Hey" says a voice. I look up to see the guy that had been thrown around standing in front of me. Aside from the blood and bruises, he wasn't a half bad looking guy.
"Hi" I reply.
"Um, so look, sorry about that" He says.
"He got in my way"
"So you just smack him round the head?" he asks.
"Wouldn't you?" I stare at him as though it was normal for me to hit people with chairs.
"I was kinda being thrown around the place" he says shamefully.
"I saw" I say, disinterested, "Next time save it for the bar, those are more interesting and epic" I get up and walk off.
"What's your name?" He calls after me.
"Wouldn't you like to know" I reply and continue to walk away.

That night I head down to the bar, why not drink alone and surround myself with people, who knows maybe I'll hit someone with a bar stool this time. I sit drinking my Jack and coke, when someone pulls up a stool beside me and orders a shot of Absinthe.
"Hello again" says the guy.
"Careful, that stuff can put you on your arse" I say and get up. He takes the shot and follows me, again.
"You know you still haven't told me your name" He presses.
"Maybe I don't have one" I walk out of the bar and onto the beach.
"Nah," He says half laughing, "Someone as beautiful as you would have one." I stop and turn around. He had cleaned up all the blood on his face and his bruises were healing.
"Flattery doesn't work with me, so you’re failing" I say trying not to smile, he was a sweet guy and they always get to me.
"Well, either way, I'm Kellan, Kellan Jones" he says. He holds out his hand to suggest I should be shaking it. I turn and continue to walk along in the sand.
"Are you local?" he asks, "Cause I think I may have seen you before"
"Was" I reply. He runs to catch up with me.
"What'd you mean was?"
"It means exactly what it is, it means I was a local, but now I'm not"
"I guess that makes sense," He says, "Your skin is a lot darker than any locals around here" I laugh. "That wasn't supposed to be funny" He says, gazing at me.
"That doesn't mean it's not" I reply and pick up my pace as I reach my house. He stops and stares at the house.
"Nobody lives there" he says.
"But that doesn't mean nobody owns it" I say as I walk closer to the back door and pull out my keys. He's like the kid with a crush, walking along casually with his arms up behind his head.
"So are you gonna tell me your name?" he asks. I shake my head and walk inside. I hear him sigh and watch from the window as he walks off back the way we came. As sweet as he seemed, I wasn't here to make friends, I think I'll stay just for tomorrow then head to Castlepoint. I've been longing to surf the Gap again and Raglan is looking a little crowded.

Castle Point, New Zealand

As I drive along in this small town and stare out at the ocean, I can't help but wonder what Dodge is up to, I feel bad for leaving him alone, but at least he understands. It's early morning and the sun is rising. I park up behind the boardwalk and grab out my coffee with added Jack Daniels and sit on the boardwalk to watch the sun rise. Soon after I notice a shadow coming down from the lighthouse, someone I never thought I would see here.
"Kellan" I say, feeling a little confused.
"Huh?" he stops in his tracks and looks at me, "Oh, hi there" He continues down and sits next to me. "What are you doing here?" He asks
"I could ask you the same thing" I reply with a small smile.
"Needed a break from Raglan" he says sighing, "What's your story?"
"It's long" I say and turn back to watch the morning sun glisten on the water.
"So, nameless women" he laughs, "care to share your story with a stranger you've met in two beach bum towns?"
"My name's Lauran Daniels, and not right now" I reply. I can feel him watching me thoughtfully, then he turns back to watch the sun.
"Beautiful isn't it?" he says, watching again. I nod in agreement, "So, uh, you surf?" he asks.
"Yip" I reply, jump up and start walking to my car.
"Hey, where are you going?" he says, almost stumbling as he gets up to chase after me.
"Breakfast" I smile, "You want some?"
"Sure" he replies and jumps in the car with me.

"So, Miss Chase Daniels, how long you here for?" he asks with a cheeky smile.
I froze and stare at him. "No one's called me that in a long time"
"I use to be friends with Taj" he says, "How is he these days?" I shrug. "You two not friends anymore?" he asks with a disappointed look.
"Taj died" I sigh, "About thirteen months ago."
"Oh, that's a bummer, he was a good guy" Kellan says the a hint of upset in his voice, "My sister will be very upset"
"Casey Jones?" I ask
"You know her?" he looks at me with shock.
"Let's just say she never liked me very much, I always seemed to get more of Taj's affection than she did" I laugh and play with my food as I remember Casey screaming at Taj one day for completely ignoring her while I’m around.
"Sounds about right" Kellan laughs, "He always used to talk about you, and my sister always bitched about you. It's nice to finally meet you though"
"Sad to say, you're news to me, Taj never spoke of you"
"Ha, yeah no surprise there" Kellan laughs.
"Guess that was Taj for you" I sigh.
"Yeah," Kellan sighs with me, "So if you don't mind my asking, how did Taj die?"
"Um, I'm not overly sure aye, we were out surfing one day and Pipe was kinda heavy and I guess he just didn't take the wave right, I watched from behind but all that came up was his board. Coast guards searched the area, but his body was never found, so he was just assumed dead" I reply, "Sometimes, I still expect to see him walk through the back door, dripping wet with the board under his arm and a big goofy smile, but then I look in his room and see his board still there."
"I take it you guys live in Hawaii now then?" Kellan asks with interest.
"Yeah, moved there when we were sixteen after Taj's dad abandoned him"
"That explains why I never saw him," Kellan laughs, "Casey wondered why she stopped hearing from him."
"Yeah, Taj never was very good at keeping in touch with people it's probably why he spent so much time with me."
"Such a shame really, I could have visited with you guys a lot. Oh well what's done is done now I guess"
"Well if you're ever over there, look me up" I offer.
"Sure, I'll do that" Kellan smiles.

We reach a small cafe, which basically seems like it's in the middle of nowhere, but it's better than driving all the way to Masterton and back again. We sit outside in the morning sun.
"So" Kellan starts, "What's your story for being here?"
"It's long" I reply not looking at him.
"I've got time" he says.
"I'm not sure I do" I sigh and look around.
"What'd you mean?" he asks.
"Never mind" I say.
"You're a very strange girl" he says, raising one eyebrow questioning me.
"Yes, well time has the tendency to affect people that way" I sigh, and stare out over the empty road.
There are times in life when you just want to cry, others when you just want to forget and some when you just want to beat the crap out of the ones that have been unkind toward you. But in the end, it's the people that you hang around, the people who influence or inspire you, and the experiences you have that make you the way you are, that shape and bend your life in all directions. I can't say what led Kellan to me, or why I felt the need to acknowledge him when I saw him walking alone, all I know is that there is a trusting sense about him and that no matter what happens from now, I know he will be there to try and protect me the way Taj always was. It's not possible to ever replace the people you lose in life, but it is possible to meet new ones that can advise you in the same way as pervious people have done before them. Not everybody believes in second chances, but I believe that Kellan is my second chance at life, Taj saved me when my world came crashing down, the way I was there for him when his mother died and when his father abandoned him, I can see these things in Kellan. Kellan looks at me like a happy child in love, it was weird but sweet. I smile back then get up to leave.

The gap, Castle Point.

"So are you ever gonna tell me what your story is?" Kellan asks, as we sit on boards in the Gap waiting for good waves.
"Maybe" I sigh and turn on my board to lie down and catch the next wave. My mind is racing with thoughts and I can't focus on anything. It could have been a good ride, but not being able to focus leaves my balance a little... Well... off I guess is the best way to put it. I give up for the day, my head's just not with it. Kellan runs up the shore following me.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asks.
"Yeah, fine." I reply and try to shake it off.
"You don't seem it, that could have been a good ride" he pushes.
"Please just drop it would you" I snap. But walks next to me silently.