Save Me One Last Time

Moving Day.

Abigail couldn't wait to get back. Only she absolutely hated moving. She hated packing, and moving everything only to unpack. Right now she was in no condition to move everything. She decided to hire movers. She figured that would be the best thing.

She stood in the front yard of her old house. It was time to stay goodbye to Lauren. "Well, I guess it's time to get going."

"If you need me, please, please, give me a call. I want to be updated every step of the way. I have vacation time coming up so if you need me I'm there in a second. I wish I could go with you! Call me everyday. I love you."

Both Abby and Lauren started crying. Neither of them could believe it was happening. This would be the longest they were ever going to be apart.

"I'll call you when I get there. Don't worry about me! I'll be fine. I'll see you during Christmas break. Ok? Bye, love you," Abby sobbed.

Before she knew it she was pulling into the driveway of her apartment. Jimmy was there waiting for her, just like he had promised. And Jimmy always kept his promises.

"Hold on, stay here. I'll be right back," Abby said getting out of the car.

"Took you long enough," Jimmy screamed as soon as Abby got out of the car.

"Shut up, Jimmy! Anyway there is someone I want you to meet," Abby said as she went to open the back car door.

Jimmy was confused but he walked over to the car. There sat in the back seat a little four year old girl. "Jimmy, this is Elizabeth. But you can call her Lizzy. Lizzy this is Jimmy."

Jimmy stood there in shock for a minute as Abby helped Lizzy get out of the car. "Wait! Hold up. You have a daughter?"

"Um, yeah. I'll explain later. Ok?"

Jimmy had no choice but to agree. "Ok. Hello sweetheart, it's nice to meet you," Jimmy said taking the little girl's hand.

"Mommy talks about you all the time." Abby couldn't help but blush. The movers had already came and unloaded everything. All that was left for Abby to do was organize her apartment, which James had volunteered to help her do. Abby drove Lizzy over to her parents house, so they could watch her for the night.

When Abby got back to the apartment she knew James would be waiting.

"I was 24 at the time. His name was Jake. He was tall, dark and handsome. He was a charmer. He said all the right things at all the right times. He made me believe he loved me. When I started dating him, he cut me off from everyone. Including you. I barely talked to Lauren during that time. I lived with him for a while. Then one day some girl called the house looking for him. When I asked him about it, he snapped. I always swore I would never be the abused girlfriend. It turns out he was having an affair anyway. I decided to leave him. But by then it was to late. I was already pregnant. I was so worried, because he was so controlling that he would try to come back into my life and take Lizzy from me. So when she was born I tracked him down. I had him sign over all rights he had over her to me. I couldn't risk losing her. That little girl means the world to me. And I would do anything to give her the best life possible. I never heard from Jake again..."

Abby knew this was the last thing in the world Jimmy was expecting to hear. Abby looked like she was going to cry. Jimmy leaned in gave her a huge. And started making jokes. Within seconds she was hysterically laughing. James loved her laugh. And he knew in that second he wasn't going to let Abigail slip out of his life again.

Things have changed, drastically, since they became friends. After all Abigail had a daughter now. But it didn't matter. When they were together things just seemed so much more simpler.

Jimmy spent the whole day with her unpacking. Just talking. Thanksgiving was coming up and they started to talk about their plans. Jimmy was to spend Thanksgiving with his parents. And Abby was to bring Lizzy with her as she went to her parents house as well. Both of them were very family oriented.

They agreed the would meet up the weekend after Thanksgiving. Abby was hoping that Lizzy would warm up to James. She always wanted a strong man presence in her daughter's life. Plus she needed a strong presence in her own. Being with Jimmy again mad her feel like nothing could go wrong. She felt safe and protected. She wanted to open up and tell him everything, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Her plan was to first get Lizzy and Jimmy use to each other, before she dropped any bombs.
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merry christmas ever everyonee =]
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