Save Me One Last Time

Jimmy's Thanksgiving.

Jimmy knew it would be the same old Thanksgiving when he woke up that morning. Filled with family togetherness. He loved this holiday for two reasons. The first was he was a big family person. He believed your family was your back bone. He felt that not enough people put their family first. That everyone just took their family for granite. He never wished to end up like that. He had a two older sisters. Both of them had kids and were married. He loved kids. He was an amazing uncle also. He was the fun uncle, who ran around with the kids, and got into trouble every time they did.

His second reason for loving Thanksgiving was he loved to eat. He was a man after all. He would never pass up a good meal.


"I don't know why but Thanksgiving isn't really my favorite holiday" Abby told him.

Jimmy was stunned. "What do you mean? I love Thanksgiving!"

"I think it would be easier if we all just got a few pizza's for Thanksgiving!"

Jimmy started dieing laughing. "Pizza?!"

"Yeah, Thanksgiving would be such a calmer time of year, if people didn't have to worry about all the cooking involved. And people would actually have time to think about what they are greatful for!"

"Pizza for Thanksgiving?! Remind me to never marry you!" Jimmy smirked.

"No problem!"

-Flashback Ends-

Jimmy remembered having the conversation with Abby more then once. He never quit understood it. Till later on he realized it was because she couldn't cook to save her life. When he arrived to his parents house, he was greeted with loving arms.

They all gathered around the kitchen table and listened to Jimmy's dad say Grace. While his dad was talking, he didn't know why but his thoughts went back to Abby. There was a reason she was back in his life. He wanted her there. For the first time in a long time, he felt happy. Maybe, the girl he was looking for all along was right in front of him?

Abby had liked him in high school. And he was always attracted to her. And he always really cared about her. He just saw her as a best friend. He never really gave it any thought otherwise.

And then another thought dawned on him. What if she didn't feel the same way? He honestly felt like her was falling for Abby. But that did not mean Abby was falling for him. Plus she had a child to think about now. Would she be willing to start a new life with him?
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sorry it took so long to update.
but its a new year.
happy new years everyone 2009 =]
hope you like the story.
more updates comingg...
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