Save Me One Last Time

Abigail's Thanksgiving.

Abigail was woken up early on Thanksgiving morning by her daughter jumping on her bed and belting out a 'Turkey Song' she learned the previous day in school. Abigail was excited for Thanksgiving in way. But it also mad her sad. She wasn't sure how long things would stay this way. Plus it was Thursday, which meant in a few days she would be seeing Jimmy again.

For some reason, he had been on her mind a lot lately. But she couldn't do that to herself. She had promised herself that she wouldn't. Jimmy was going to be her friend. Her best friend.

But that was where it ended. She was not going to get carried away. She always got so ahead of herself. This was not going to be a fairy tale ending. She knew that.

And most of all she didn't even know how Jimmy felt. He may just want to be friends. And that's all she could handle right now. The only thing she needed was for Lizzy and Jimmy to get close. She wanted it more then anything. If she could trust anyone it was Jimmy.

Lizzy ran around the house all morning screaming her lungs out her new favorite song. Eventually, Abigail got her to settle down. They cuddled up on the couch and watched the Macy's Parade. It was kind of a tradition Abby created for the two of them.

Once the parade was over she sent Lizzy to her room to put on her Thanksgiving best.

Abby decided to give Lauren a call and see what she was up to. "Hey Lauren!"

"Oh my god! Ab, how are you? Is everything going ok? Is Lizzy doing ok? How are you holding up?"

"Chill! I'm doing fine. Hanging in their. There is something I needed to ask you."

"Shoot!" Lauren said.

"Do you think its crazy that I think I'm falling for Jimmy?"

"JIMMY! Are you kidding me? No way! Jimmy?! That's weird. You guys were always best friends! That would be so cute. It would be like a story book romance! No even better! Go for it! You deserve this! I'm serious!"

"Lauren! Stop. You know it's not going to end well," Abby snapped!

"You never know if you don't try."

Those words stuck in Abigail's head all day. She just kept replaying it. Could she go after Jimmy? Would that be fair? It would not! It would not be fair to her or Jimmy. She had to stop thinking like this. There was nothing she wanted more then a fresh start with Jimmy! But she knew it could never happen.
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anotherr update for the new yearr.
hope your enjoyingg the story.
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it makes me happy =]