Save Me One Last Time

Christmas Shopping.

After Thanksgiving, Jimmy and Abby spent as much time together as possible. Each of the holding back what they were really thinking. Each of them knew the other had something to say, but they were both so afraid of rejection they both settled for friends.

Lizzy grew to like Jimmy rather quickly. He was amazing with kids. He would give her piggy back rides, push her on the swings, everything a little girl would want. She loved when he would pick her up. Lizzy felt like she was on the top of the world. She had never smiled so much. And Abby was in her glory to see her daughter so happy.

Abby sat back and watched as two of the most important people in her life bond. She had never thought that it would end up like this. Lizzy meant the world to her! she would do anything to make her happy. And that's when it dawned on her. Jimmy was a good role model for Lizzy. He was a great person. He didn't lie. He was loyal. He never let anyone down.

It was about a week before Christmas. The three of them decided to take a trip to the mall. 'Santa' was in town and Lizzy was dieing to see him. Also it was the perfect chance for Abby to get some ideas for a gift for Jimmy, and vice versa. Abby also wanted to get a few odds and ends for Lizzy.

Abby wanted this to be the most memorable Christmas she ever had. She knew Lizzy was at an age where she would start to understand Christmas. Abby had a lot of strange views on Christmas.

She felt to many kids and/or adults around the world didn't see the true meaning of Christmas. To many people we so worried about receiving. They didn't realize that Christmas was for giving. Abby wanted Lizzy to have the best Christmas possible.

Jimmy and Abby stood on line waiting as Lizzy sat upon Santa's lap.

"I hope you know, she's just like you. She really is. She is stubborn, smart and independent. All at the age of three. You are the only one I know who could have accomplished this," Jimmy said with a grin.

"Well I am going to take that as a compliment!"

"Did you ever think we would end up here?" Abby gave Jimmy a confused look. "I mean when we were in high school. It was so long ago. But seriously, I never thought life would take me in this direction. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't change one thing. But it is in no way how I pictured my life."

"I know what you mean. I wouldn't trade having Lizzy for anything in the world. She is my whole life. But I never thought that I would have her. I always told myself I was not going to have kids until I was married. And that I would never be in a abusive relationship..." Abby's voice trailed off.

"Abby? Are you ok? Is there something you aren't telling me?"

"Jimmy... Uhh. Listen, there is something I have to tell you. See the story I told you about Jake, Lizzy's father. Well it wasn't really how it went down." Jimmy looked puzzled. "See, I was 24 when I met him. He was the player I told you he was. But he didn't just snap. From the time I met him he was abusive. He cut me off from everyone. My parents tried to convince me to leave him. But I wouldn't nor couldn't. I still don't really fully understand why. Every time when he would cool off he would sit there and tell me how much he loved me and how much he needed me. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I was with him for about six months when I learned I was pregnant. He was somewhat of a drinker. That night I waited up all night for him to get home, so I could give him the news. Only he never made it home. He was in a car accident. He was drunk and driving. And I never got the chance to tell him."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Jimmy questioned.

"Truthfully, I don't know."

"Make me a promise. We don't ever keep anything from eachother from this point on."

Abby paused. But before she had a chance to promise him anything Lizzy was back. She got her picture taken with Santa. She was extremely excited and talked Jimmy and Abby's ears off for the rest of the day.

Eventually the day grew later. Lizzy grew tired. And that meant the day came to an end. Jimmy wanted to talk to Abby about Jake. He wanted to tell her everything that was going through his head. But for the first time ever he didn't know how. He didn't have an answer for her. It was a first.

Jimmy drove Abby and Lizzy home. Jimmy walked them to the door. He didn't know what to say. But Abby wasn't expecting anything.

"Did I tell you that Lauren is coming up tomorrow?" Abby asked.

"Really?!" Jimmy hadn't seen Lauren since senior year. Lauren was one of Jimmy's best friends, just as Abby was. He lost touch with Lauren rather quickly after graduation. He hadn't realized that he missed her until this point.

"Mhm, she called me this morning. She is coming down and is staying till about January 3rd. I thought maybe the three of us could out on the town and have some fun."

Jimmy smirked. "I think that could be arranged."
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not sure about this chapterr.
i re-wrote it soo many times.
but i hope you like it.
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it makes me happy =]