Save Me One Last Time

Lauren Arrives.

It was the morning of the next day when Lauren pulled into Abigail’s drive way. It had been over a month since these two best friends had seen each other. It was killing both of them. Lauren ran up to the door and burst in. She didn't bother to knock, and that right there basically explained the kind of friendship they shared.

"AUNT LAUREN!" Lizzy screeched. Lauren had been around Lizzy since she was born. She was the best 'Aunt' Abby could ever want for her daughter. Lizzy adored Lauren. Lauren was her favorite baby sitter and she could always get her to laugh.

"LIZZ BEAR!" Lauren yelled back. By the time Abby walked into the living room, Lauren was flinging Lizzy up in the air and Lizzy was hysterically laughing.

Lauren looked up to see Abby standing in the door way. "Oh my god!"

Before Abby had a chance to say anything back Lauren dashed to her and gave her one of the biggest hugs she ever got. Abby missed Lauren. She had been so busy worrying about everything that she forgot how badly. The three of them spent the morning together. They went out to eat, did a little shopping and mostly just drove around.

Later in the day, Abby drove Lizzy over to her parents house for the night. It was to be the night where, Lauren, Jimmy and her went out.

Abby was getting ready when Lauren walked in. Lauren looked adorable, as usual. She had a low cut, flowing, emerald green blouse, with a pair of skinny jeans and black boots that came up to her knees. Her hair was pulled back into a mess bun, that looked perfect in a weird way. And her make up was done with just a touch of shimmer around the eyes. It looked like she didn't even have to try to look good.

Abby on the other hand was a mess. She felt as if she looked so drained. And she was. She tried to make herself look more 'attractive' but she couldn't see it working. Eventually she ended up in a small little black dress, with a pair of capri pants under it and then a pair of red boots. Her hair was down and frizzy and everywhere. She attempted her make p, but felt as if she failed. She eventually settled for her 'look', there was really nothing else she could do anyway.

"I can't believe I get to see Jimmy!" Lauren claimed. "I wonder if he looks the same. Besides I want to see you two together!"

"What do you mean 'together'?" Abby questioned.

"You know you two are going to end up together. Besides Abby, its not like you have all the time in the world. I think it is so sweet how is sticking by you through everything your going through."

"Right..." Abby said a little to quickly.

"ABBY! You haven't told him?!" Lauren screeched. Lauren saw the look on Abby's face, the look she got when she knew she was wrong. "Abby, don't you think you should tell him? It really is important!"

"I will ok, I don't want his sympathy! I want him to be there for me because he wants too!"

Before Lauren had a chance to answer back, there was a knock at the door. "Hey, it's Jimmy!"

"We can talk about it later" Abby said as she went to answer the door.

The three of them went out. They went to a small close by bar where they shared a few drinks and tons of laughs. Abby couldn't remember laughing so long in her whole life. Jimmy was happy to be there as well. He loved Lauren, as a sister. And the whole time he couldn't help but stare at Abby. She looked amazing. She looked like a complete wreck but that's what he loved about her. He wanted so badly to make a move, or tell her how he felt or anything. But for some reason he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

The whole night Abby kept thinking about what Lauren said to her. She knew that Lauren was right. But she didn't want anything to change between her and Jimmy. She felt as if life had been basically perfect since she moved back. She had never seen Lizzy or herself so happy. And more then anytihng she hated the fact that it wasn't going to last that much longer.

That night when they got home Abby promised Lauren that she would come clean about everything with Jimmy as soon as the holidays were over. She claimed that she didn't want to ruin them for him, or anyone else.

"Promise me you will not chicken out! He is the only one who doesn't know! And that is no fair. You have to tell him."

Abby knew what she had to do. She didn't exactly want to do it, but she had no other option.
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