Save Me One Last Time


Abby wasn't sure what to expect. Jimmy never was the guy to spend money on someone. She never before got a present from him. Every holiday back in high school, Abby would always give Jimmy a present, but not got or expected anything in return. She knew Jimmy was grateful and that was enough for her. But of course she loved to tease him about how he never got her anything.

Jimmy pulled out a small box, with a red bow on it. Abby reached for it, but something was stopping her from opening it. "open it," Jimmy told her. For some reason, she couldn't move. "Fine I guess I'll do it for you."

Jimmy removed the top and inside was a gorgeous Snowflake necklace. Abby gasped! Jimmy remembered how Abby loved the snow. Christmas was always her favorite time of year. And she loved nothing more then the first snow fall. And unfortunately this year it hadn't snowed yet. Which was very unusual for New York.

"Jimmy, I can't take this. It is way to expensive."

"First of all, chill! I got it on sale," Jimmy smirked. "But second of all its a double gift. I don't want you to think I forgot about your birthday?! Which was four days ago."

Abby was shocked. She actually forgot her own birthday! Jimmy took the necklace out of the box. Abby turned around. And Jimmy slowly placed the necklace on her. "I hope this gives you your White Christmas after all..."

Abby was glowing. But then Lizzy and Lauren came running into the room. "Um, Abb we were thinking that maybe it was time to open presents?!" Lauren said, realizing that they had interrupted something.

Abby nodded and they all went into the living room and sat by the tree. Lizzy of course wanted to go first. There was about ten presents that were for her under the tree all from Jimmy. Lizzy sat there ripping apart each present. She got a bunch of books, because Lizzy loved to read, even though she was young, she was at a very advanced level. She also got a few stuffed toys and some dolls. Lizzy was thrilled. She sat there looking through each page of her books as the adults opened theres.

Abby handed Jimmy her present, "Since you already gave me mine, I guess it is only fair to give you yours..."

Jimmy had no idea what to expect. He was so busy, worrying about what he was going to get Abby, he never wondered what Abby could have possible bought him.

It was an envelope. He did not know what to expect it. He opened the envelope. Inside where two Yankee tickets for the upcoming season. James had been a Yankees fan his whole life. He was a big sports person. And Abby loved the Yankees as well. But truthfully she only originally started watching it in high school to impress Jimmy. But she grew to love baseball. As well as the Yankees.

Jimmy had not expected Abby to remember this. But of course she did. She remembered everything. "Well two tickets... Guess that means I can bring someone else... But who?!" Jimmy teased.

"I'll go," Lauren claimed. "I know how much Abby hates the Yankees!" Lauren was a Yankee fan, but she had never actually watched a game or even understood what was going on. She just liked saying that she was a Yankee fan.

That is when Lizzy spoke up. "I wanna go!"

Lizzy loved baseball. It was a must in her life, considering how much her mother loved it. Baseball was the only sport either of them liked. And she was as well a Yankee fan. But she knew she wasn't going. She was start for a young girl. She knew Jimmy was going to be taking her mommy.

"Sounds like a date," Abby added.

The rest of the evening was like a scene from a book. Everything was peaceful and calm. And for once in Abby's life perfect. She once again, wished everything could stay that way. But she knew reality was never that far away. Before she knew it she was putting Lizzy to sleep. Jimmy and Lauren were helping Abby place the presents under the tree from Santa. And they ate the cookie and drank the milk left for him as well.

Lauren saw she was in the way, so she headed off to bed. At first there was a awkward silence. It was getting late and Jimmy knew he had to head home as much as he wanted to stay. Abby walked him out.

"So you're coming with me to the Yankee game, right?!" Jimmy asked.

"Duhh..." Abby answered.

"Abby, there is something I really need to talk to you about..." Jimmy said.

Abby was in her old world. "Don't you just love Christmas Eve. There is something so simple yet so amazing about it. Christmas Eve is when the world is quit. People are calm and considerate. The only thing missing about this Christmas is the snow..." Abby trailed off. She was staring at the sky.

Jimmy couldn't take his eyes off her. He had never seen her look so simple before. And yet he also never saw her so beautiful. He walked up to her. He brought his face to her's and slowly kissed her lips. For a moment Abby felt as if she were flying. She felt perfect. Nothing could go wrong, and her feet couldn't touch the ground. Then a single snowflake hit her cheek.

In that second, the snow started falling. "Oh my god!" Abby said with amazement! "It's as if Santa granted me every wish on my list."

Jimmy never saw Abby that happy. And he was in his glory.
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woot, woot update =]
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