Save Me One Last Time

Christmas Day.

The next day Abby woke up. She actually for the first time woke up before Lizzy. Lauren was up, as usual. Abby was in her glory. Last night was perfect. Nothing was going to get in her way today. Jimmy. He was everything she ever wanted. He was amazing. He was real. And he was everything she couldn't have.

After last night it was obvious to her that Jimmy did have feelings for her. That was all she ever wanted. Jimmy was the first guy she ever had real feelings for. Every guy Abby was with, she automatically compared them to Jimmy. And they never came close. Jimmy was everything she ever wanted in a guy. But in high school she came to reality that he would never feel the same.

And now that he did, she couldn't be with him. She hated this. Why couldn't anything work out the way she wanted it?! She was so afraid that Jimmy would think they are together, and they couldn't be. Ever. Abby hated herself. She wanted this more then anything. She wanted to be with Jimmy. He was the guy for her.

And it was never going to work out that way. Christmas was hard on Abby. She was very tired. She thanked god that Lauren was there to help. She treasured each moment. She knew this was a special Christmas. Every moment was special. And once Christmas was over she would have to be honest with Jimmy.

Jimmy spent the whole day thinking of Abby. He couldn't help himself. She was the most amazing wreck he had ever met. She had no idea how beautiful she was. She had the most amazing sense of humor. It was a mix of dry sarcasm and wit. He never met anyone like her. She wasn't the girl constantly worried about what everyone else thought of her.

She was Abby, and if you didn't approve that was your problem. And he really adored Lizzy. She was a very outgoing little girl. Like her mother in everyway.

He sat there wondering about what the future holds. Would him and Abby end up dating? Maybe someday they would end up married. He could tell Abby had feelings for him. That was for sure. But he had no idea what she was expecting of him. Did she want to get married? When they were in high school, she always dreamed about getting married and having kids. But have her plans changed since then?

Plus there was something different about her. Something he couldn't place his finger on it. He wanted to be with her. But she was hesitant.

He could tell that she wanted him. But for some reason she was scared.

He sat there all day wondering what he could do or what he could say to her to make her feel safe with him.

The whole say was torture to him. He wanted to see her. He wanted to be with her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and smell the sweet scent of peaches coming from her hair. He wanted to hear her weird awkward laugh as she laughed at her own jokes. He wanted her to insult him they way she always did.

Christmas came and went for both Jimmy and Abby. Both of them spending the whole day thinking of the other. Both of them missing the other. And wondering if the other was thinking of them?
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woot, woot!
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