Save Me One Last Time

New Years Eve.

Abby put off telling Jimmy. She convinced herself that she was going to do it. But each time she saw him she lost all the courage she had.

Lauren was disappointed in Abby, but she understood. Abby decided to wait to tell Jimmy. She told herself she would tell him as soon as she had too. She tried to make it so that Jimmy didn't realize she was hiding anything. And mostly it worked.

When New Years Eve came around Lauren offered to watch Lizzy so the two of them could go out. Jimmy invited Abby to go out to eat with him. She hadn't been so nervous since she took her SATS. Lauren helped her get ready, and when Jimmy arrived, Abby took his breathe away.

She wasn't as done up as normal. But she had this glow to her. And he couldn't help but stop breathing.

After the waiter took their order, Jimmy decided to cut the small talk.

"Abby, listen I think we really need to talk..."

"I know..." Abby claimed.

"I think it is time that we tell each other how we really feel." Abby nodded. "I really care about you. I always have. You were my best friend in high school. You always stuck by my side. And you have never let me down before..." At this second Abby felt a load of guilt hit her shoulders. "But I think what we have goes beyond a high school friendship. I mean, maybe I am crazy. But I think there is something real between us. And I hope you feel it to."

Abby couldn't speak. "Jimmy, you are the most amazing guy I have ever met. I really, truly care about you. I always have and I always will. There is nothing more that I would rather do then just be with you. But unfortunately it's not that simple."

"Oh..." Jimmy sighed.

"No you don't understand! Ugh. Jimmy, I do care about you. But this isn't going to be easy. It can't be a happy ending. It just can't. I don't know if you really understand what I'm saying. Damn, half the time I don't. But I really think it would be easy if we don't get ahead of ourselves. I can't let you hate me for this!"

Jimmy missed these circles Abby talked in. She never made any sense to him. Especially when she was talking about her feelings.


"Just tell me how you feel about him!" Jimmy demanded.

"I don't know!"

Jimmy was getting annoyed. "How do you not know?! It is a simple question. Abby, he told you he likes you. And know you have to figure out what you are going to tell him. You know what?! I give up. I’m giving you away as my best friend. You are way to much work!“

“No!” Abby told him.

“Then lets try it again... How do you feel about him?"

"I don't know..." Abby told him. "You know I have issues talking about my feelings. They never make any sense. And it comes out in circles!"

"Well I love hearing you talk in circles," Jimmy added.

-Flashback Ends-

"Look Abby, I could never hate you!" Jimmy said without a doubt in his mind.

"Wanna bet?"

The rest of the evening wasn't everything Abby had hoped for. She knew Jimmy was trying to be honest with her and she couldn't do the same for him. Eventually the two of them agreed to make the most out of the rest of their night. And when New Year's came around Jimmy was their to give her, her first kiss of the new year.
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i was actually hoping to get this chapter up for new years.
oh well =]
i hope your enjoyingg my story.
please let me know what you thinkk.
leave comments and subscribe<3.
it makes me happyy.

oh yeah merry orthodox christmas ;D