Save Me One Last Time

Abigail Lynn Jacobs.

Abigail came into this world on December 20th. She grew up in New York. Not that city though. She grew up in a small town up state. Nothing really went on up their. She lived in a very isolated setting. In the middle of the woods with trees surrounding her house. There wasn't a tremendous amount of kids her age around growing up.

She spent most of her time at her best friend Lauren's house. Abigail went to school with Lauren. They lived in the same school district. But in total opposite settings. Lauren lived in the middle of no where. Lauren lived in a more social setting. When you walked out of Lauren's house there was like fifty people their own age to hang out with. Abigail loved being there. Plus she always would have a blast hanging out with Lauren. They would sit around laughing for hours about nothing. She was their more then she was at her own house,

Abigail was the 'smart' girl. She always made honor roll. She was the girl with the 4.0 every quarter. And when she didn't get it, she never got worse then a 3.8. Everyone went to her for help. She was definitely envied. Most girls that age only were jealous of girls who were pretty or who got all the guys attention. This kind of envy was different though. They envied the fact that she was more intelligent then them.

She never really had to work that hard in school. Most subjects came extremely easy to her. Normally her hardest subject was gym. That was the only class she never really seemed to excel in. But she mad due. She would always chose the easiest activity possible. High school wasn't that difficult for her education wise.

It was however, filled with drama. Every year, it would be something new. And it was always over the stupidest things. She eventually learned how to stay out of it.

She had two best friends all throughout high school and they were Lauren and Jimmy. Jimmy was her rock. Her best friend. He was always there for. Through all her heart breaks. He never let her down. She knew she could call him whenever. Even with the smallest problem and he would help her through it. She spent the first year of their friendship, crushing on him. Eventually she faced the fact that friends were all they were ever going to be. She learned to love that fact.

After high school, Abigail went off to Princeton University. She majored in European History. She worked her ass of in college, she eventually got her teaching degree and is now a Professor at Princeton. Were she is teaching it herself. Abigail is now 29, a Professor at Princeton and is waiting for a miracle.
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well you are now introducedd to the first character.
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