Save Me One Last Time

Shouldn't Tell.

The ambulance arrived a few minutes later. Lauren barely could breathe herself. She had never been such a wreck. Abby was everything to her. Her best friend. She couldn't believe she ever thought she would be able to go back without her.

Lauren drove Lizzy to a babysitters and gave Abby's parents a call. She was to meet them at the Hospital. She knew once she got to the hospital that her cell phone would have to be turned off. So she decided to take a chance. She dialed the number.


"Jimmy, look I really need to talk to you. Meet me at the hospital on Sunrise!" Lauren said in a panic. Then she hung up. She couldn't explain anything to him over the phone.

Abby would kill her for doing this, but she had no other choice. Jimmy was so important to Abby. And if anyone was going to help her through this it would be Jimmy. And she had hope that in the end Abby would thank her for this. Abby would understand, she was only doing what she felt was best. At least she hoped that is how Abby would see it!

Once at the hospital, Lauren and Abby's parents sat in the waiting room. Every moment that tension growing. Lauren couldn't even imagine how worried Abby's parents were. Abby was always really close to her parents, especially her mother. It had killed her parents when she moved away. They were thrilled that she had moved back, even though the circumstances were not in any way shape or form ideal.

Abby's father, Alex, was pacing around the waiting room. He could never sit still. And Abby's mother, Paula, was reading a magazine. Both acting as if nothing was wrong. One thing Abby's family was very good at was keeping calm. They never seemed to let anything get to them.

That was when Jimmy arrived. He had no idea what to expect. He was terrified! When someone told you to meet them in the hospital, it was never good news.

"Jimmy?!" Paula said.

"Mrs. Jacobs?! Long time no see!" Jimmy said.

Paula went up to Jimmy and gave him a huge hug. Jimmy was always the one who made her daughter's days brighter. And she would always be great full to Jimmy for that.

Lauren pulled Jimmy aside. He was shaking. Once he saw Paula, he knew it was something with either Abby or Lizzy. And he knew it wasn't good news. Especially after seeing Alex's face. He saw a look of fear. Something he had never seen in Abby's father's face before.

"Lauren, what is going on?! Please tell me everything is ok."

"Abby would kill me if she knew I called you hear!" Lauren told him.

"Why?! I don't understand what your talking about. Please tell me what happened!" Jimmy was getting annoyed.

"I really shouldn't tell you this. It really shouldn't be coming from me!" Lauren claimed.

Jimmy grabbed Lauren's shoulder. He looked her straight in her eyes and said "Please!"

At that moment, the nurse interrupted them. "Um, Ms. Smith, Abby is awake. She is asking for you."

Lauren nodded and started to walk towards the room. Jimmy grabbed her arm. "I need to see her."

Lauren told him as soon as she saw her, she would let him go see her. When Lauren got in there, Abby's parents were already there sitting by her side. They spent about a half hour with her.

All of them terrified to leave her side. Everyone in that room, loved Abby with all their heart. Eventually they one by one left. Lauren wanted Jimmy to get his chance to talk to Abby. She knew this talk was overdue.

And she only hoped it wasn't to late.
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sorry it took so long for the update.
i really hope everyone like this storyy.
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it makes me veryy happy<3.