Save Me One Last Time

The Truth.

Those words echoed in the room. Jimmy wasn't sure how to respond. He was scared. He thought that maybe if he pretended as he never heard what she said maybe it wouldn't be true.

"What?" Jimmy said as his eyes went to the floor.

"Jimmy, look at me!" Abby commanded. Jimmy managed to bring his eyes to hers. "I have cancer."

The way Abby said it put chills down Jimmy's spin. She said it so matter of fact. And Jimmy hated that. It was as if she was excepting it. As if she was happy. As if that was what she wanted to happen.

"No!" Jimmy said.

"Yes, Jimmy! Yes" Abby said trying to drill it into his head.

"No, stop lying!" Jimmy yelled as he paced around the room. "You can't be!" He was walking in circles. He couldn't stop pacing.

"Jimmy, please stop that. Come sit by me!"

"It isn't true. Get a second opinion!" Jimmy ordered.

Abby tried to get herself up. She wanted to be next to him. She tried, but ended up almost falling off the bed. Jimmy rushed right to her and helped her back up.

"Abby, please tell me you're lying to me! Please! This can't be true!" Jimmy claimed.

"I'm sorry, Jimmy..."

Jimmy curled up in Abby's arms. She couldn't leave him. He just got her back. She was everything he ever wanted. Eventually the nurse came in and told him that Abby needed some rest.

Jimmy kissed her goodbye and walked out the door. He walked right up to Lauren.

"She told you?! I can see it in your eyes," Lauren noticed.

"Yeah, you think you could give me some details," Jimmy wondered.

"Well Abby was a strong fighter for a while. None of the doctors thought she would be strong this long."

"Wait! What do you mean?!" Jimmy demanded.

"She had been diagnosed over a year ago. The doctors had claimed there was nothing they could do for her. They gave her a year, and she already exceeted that estimate. Back in October she went to get a check up. The doctor told her the cancer was getting worse. He told her in his opinion that she would only have about 6 months to a year to live. And he told her that about 3 months ago. That's why she moved back. She couldn't handle Lizzy on her own anymore. I helped when I could. But my job is very demanding. She wanted to be near her parents. So she moved back, and now here we are..."

"Why didn't she tell me?"

"Jimmy, that you are going to have to find out from her. She is going to kill me for telling you this much. But the doctor this time said he thinks at the most she has six months left."

Jimmy couldn't take anymore bed news. He stormed out of the place. And did something he hadn't done since Catherine broke up with him. Got drunk.
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sorry guys.
i meant to update sooner, but i hadnt been home.
i hope your enjoyingg the story!
please comment and subscribee =p
it makes me happy<3.