Save Me One Last Time


It was the day Abby was to be released from the hospital. Nothing had changed. As far as any doctor was concerned she had roughly three to six months left.

After Jimmy's little drinking binge, he came back to reality.

He didn't know what to do with himself. Abby was here, right in front of him, but not for long. He hated that. His Abby. The one he had known since high school. The one who stuck by him through everything.


"You loser! Do you have any idea how long I have had to talk to you?" Abby yelled.

"Well I was really busy."

"At first I had to talk to you, but then after a week I got worried! What's wrong with you?!" Abby demanded.

"Well first I went out of town and then my phone was dead. And once I was home I got sick!" Jimmy informed her.

"I don't care! You could have let me know you were alive!"

"Ok, look! I'm sorry" Jimmy admitted.

Abby rolled her eyes. "No you're not!" she told him.

-Flashback Ends-

Lauren had moved in with Abby. Abby was in no condition to be taking care of herself, let alone Lizzy. But Abby was stubborn. She always had been. It was either her way or the high way. And Lauren didn't want to argue with her. But Lauren stayed anyway. She wasn't going to leave her best friend like that.

Abby was her normal sarcastic, rude and bossy self. Nothing had changed, except now she was commanding people from her bed. She swore to Lauren she was okay, and she could help around the house. But Lauren refused to let her.

Jimmy was awkward around her. He never left her side, but he wasn't sure what to say to someone in that situation. People in his life had passed before. But truthfully never anyone who meant so much to him. He couldn't live without her, nor did he want too. He arrived at Abby's a little while after she had gotten home.

He walked into Abby's room. She was on the phone with her mom, trying to reassure her that she was fine. Abby had refused to move in with her parents. She felt that her parents were at a point now where they should be living for themselves. Not waiting on her hand and foot. She told everyone she didn't need any help. Not that anyone was listening to her anyway.

She still got around. Just not like she use to. Lauren told her to have her phone on her at all times. And if anything, anything at all happened, to call her right away. She was able to get around the apartment pretty well. But she had orders not to leave unless she was accompanied with someone trusted.

When Abby spotted Jimmy she smiled. "Mom, listen I'm fine, Jimmy is here. Let me call you back... Love you too. Later."

Abby sat up. The rest in the hospital gave her some of her strength back. Jimmy sat next to her.

"How are you doing?" Jimmy asked.

"I'm fine." Abby laughed. "Um listen Jimmy. I really need your help with something..."
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sorry it took my sooo long to updatee =p
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