Save Me One Last Time


Abby wasn't sure what he was going to say. "Anything!" Abby told him.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Jimmy demanded.

Abby wasn't positive how to answer the question. She knew she should of told Jimmy sooner. She lied to him. She hated it. Jimmy was someone she could go to with anything. Except this. Abby didn't want Jimmy to know. She still didn't. Jimmy was her rock. And it scared her to see him to upset.

"Jimmy remember that day when I first called you?" Abby asked.

Jimmy thought back. He remembered tumbling in through the door after his breakup with Catherine. He remembered that Abby was the last person in the world he was expecting that message from.

He remember how he loved to hear her voice once again. He remembered that whole moment and every detail rushed back to that moment. Jimmy nodded.

"That day I just got out of my doctors appointment. He told me at the point that I would have a limited time to live."

"How long?" Jimmy asked.

"Truthfully, I don't know. I don't care either. Doctors can't control how much time I have left. Who wants to know when they are going to die? I certainly don't. It's my life and no doctor is going to put a expiration date on it."

Abby's outlook on life was always different then everyone’s. You would assume that if you had cancer, you would want to know how much time you had left. Not Abby. She always wanted to live as if every moment was her last. She didn't want to take any day for granted. She already exceeded the doctors expectations. And that was all she needed.

"The doctors were wrong before. The only person who knows how long I have left is God. And he is the only one who needs to know."

Abby was never a extremely religious person. She was Russian Orthodox. Russian Orthodox was a branch of Christianity. She did believe in God. But she rarely went to church. She wasn't a big fan of organized religion. But she never once doubted that there was a God, and he was always watching over her.

"Buy anyway, after the doctor told me that my time was limited again, I went for a walk. I wanted to clear my head. I started thinking. I started thinking about everything I have done in my life. I started thinking about all my mistakes. How everything was so different. Don't get me wrong! I do not regret any of it. But I realized how much has changed. How fast everything went by. And most of all how much I missed you."

Jimmy looked at Abby. He knew she meant it. She meant every word. And he wouldn't trade that for anything.

"Jimmy you were my best friend. And it killed me to look bad and realize you were no longer part of my life. You were the only one who ever made me feel safe. I never thought I would ever have a chance with you. Not in a hundred years.The one I knew I would never get. But yet, you made me feel... amazing. You always made me feel special, even by just being my friend. I never thought I was good enough. Even to be your friend. But I know you never felt that way. You were always there for me. No matter what. Even when I didn't deserve it."

Jimmy couldn't believe what he was hearing. He never knew Abby ever felt that way.

"I'm getting off topic here. You want to know why I took so long to tell right?" Jimmy shook his head. "Truthfully, I don't know. I was so worried that you would think of me differently, or treat me differently. That is one thing I need you to promise me. Never ever treat me different. I couldn't deal with that. Everything was going so great. I didn't want this or anything else to get in the way."

Jimmy leaned over and kissed her ever so lightly on her lips. "I'll never leave you. And that's a promise!"
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woot, hopefully everyone is still enjoyingg my storyy.
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they really brighten my day.
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