Save Me One Last Time

I Can't.

Time went on. Jimmy never left Abby's side. He was with her 24/7! Abby and Jimmy's love grew each and everyday. Jimmy was still the rock Abby wanted and needed. Lauren also was there for everything. Lizzy was her normal little happy self. She realized Mommy was sick. But she managed to stay happy with the help of Jimmy and Lauren.

Days passed. Abby hated being in her bed. She tried to get around as much as possible. She was always begging Lauren or Jimmy to take her out. But both of them were to concerned about her. They wanted her to stay rested.

"Lauren! Know what I was thinking?" Abby asked anxiously.

"What?" Lauren asked.

"We should go see a movie!" Abby declared.

"Abby, I really don't think that’s such..." Lauren was interrupted by the phone ringing. "Hold on, okay?"

Abby nodded. She was annoyed. She knew that Lauren only wanted what was best for her. But she couldn't stand the thought of spending her last few months laying in her bed. She wanted to experience life. She decided to take out her list. She was almost done with it. She narrowed it down to the top ten things she wanted to do more then anything.

She couldn't wait to show Jimmy the list. The only thing better then knowing she was going to do everything she ever wanted, was knowing she was doing it with Jimmy.

And more then anything she couldn't stand the thought of Lizzy remembering her laying in bed all day. Lizzy was her whole life. That was her daughter. She hated, hated the thought of not being there for Lizzy when she was growing up. She wouldn't be there for her during her first kiss, her prom, graduation, wedding and when she had her own kids.

She couldn't even stand to think about it.

"I can't..." Lauren screamed as she slammed the phone down. Abby knew Lauren better then anyone. And she knew Lauren was upset.

"So how about that movie?" Lauren suggested.

"What happened?"

"Nothing! I just thought you would want to go to the movies still," Lauren said annoyed.

Abby pulled Lauren next to her. "Don't lie to me! What is going on?"

Lauren paused. She sat there for a long time. Trying to figure out what to say. She wasn't sure how to answer. "Umm, nothing. That was just my boss..." Lauren said, trying to beat around the bush.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah. They offered me a promotion..." Lauren trailed off again.

"Oh my god! That's amazing Laur! Congratulations!" Abby cheered. she went to hug Lauren, but Lauren pushed her back.

"I didn't except it!"

"Why?" Abby was shocked.

"The job was in Florida..."

"So what?"

"Florida?! I am not going all the way to Florida! I couldn't leave you. You need me now more then anything. I'm already losing my best friend. I don't want to lose her any sooner then I have too."

Abby thought about it. She loved Lauren with all her heart. Lauren had been her best friend for about 20 years now. Abby couldn't even think about going on without her. But more then anything she wanted Lauren to be happy. She wanted Lauren to go on with her life. She would hate to think Lauren missed out on a amazing job just because.

"Lauren, I need you to make me a promise!" Abby demanded.


"Call your boss back. You are taking that job!" Lauren went to object. Only Abby didn't give her a chance. "Lauren you are my best friend. I don't know how I would have gotten through any of this without you. But this job opportunity is awsome. And you can not pass this up. I can't hold you back from your life any more then I already have. Please don't argue with me. I am to tired too. I love you so much. And you can't keep putting your life on hold for me. I appreciate everything you have ever done for me."

Lauren started to cry. Lauren was a big cryer. Abby on the other hand never cried. Over the last ten years she had cried maybe ten times. Abby for some reason had trouble crying. She actually loved crying. It just didn't come easy to her. She always felt she was the only one who could turn something as simple as crying into a difficult task.

"Abby please..."

"Lauren go! I love you. And I want to see you happy. I want you to live life to the fullest. And when something like this comes up you have to take it. I swear to you I will be fine. I have Jimmy, Lizzy and my family all here to help me."

"I love you too," Lauren said. That was all she could say. She didn't want to leave Abby. But she knew Abby. Abby was relentless. Abby the most stubborn person she ever met. She wouldn't let this go. She wanted to be with Abby. But she also wanted this job. It was all she had been working for. She swore to herself that she would fly up every chance she got. And she would call Abby everyday, atleast. And do everything possible for Abby while she still could.
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ohhhh snap.
haha, hope you guys are enjoyinggg my storyy.
i plan to update again soon.
so keep your eye out.
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