Save Me One Last Time

First Time.

Lauren called her boss back. She took the job. She wanted to be with Abby. But for some reason something inside of her was telling her Abby was going to be safe. Plus she always felt in the way with Abby and Jimmy.

It was a Saturday afternoon. Lauren was packing. Lizzy was at a friends birthday party. And Abby was dieing to get out of the house. Abby gave Jimmy a call. She wanted to spend some time with him. She felt like she never got time with just him. Whenever she was with him about fifty other people were around.

Jimmy and her made plans to go to the park. Abby had butterflies. She was anxious. And she loved it.

Jimmy arrived at Abby's house about 2 o'clock. "Abby?" he called as he opened the door.

"I'll be right out," Abby called from the other room.

Jimmy decided to wait. He was so excited to be spending the afternoon with Abby. He had known her for as long as he could remember. And he cared for her more then anything. Abby meant so much to him. He wanted to spend everyday with her.

He sat down on the couch. He was flipping through one of her 'girly' magazines. When he came across a sheet of paper stuffed in the magazine.

It read; "My Bucket List!"

Jimmy automatically realized what he had stumbled across. Abby's list. Her personal list of everything she wanted to do before he had a chance to think about it, he was reading it-

1] Ride a huge upside down rollercoaster.
2] Attend a Yankee vs. Red Sox game, where the Yankees win.
3] Kiss in the pouring rain.
4] Have someone dedicate a song to me.
5] Steal a street sign.
6] Meet my favorite author.
7] Go swimming in a fountain.
8] Solve a Rubik’s cube.
9] ...

"Jimmy!" Abby screamed.

Jimmy dropped the list. He knew Abby didn't want him to look at it.

"Abby, I'm so sorry!" Jimmy said as Abby snatched it off the coffee table.

"I'm not mad. I just wanted to be the one to show it to you," Abby admitted.

"Well I actually only got the eight if it makes you feel better."

Abby looked at the list. "Good!"

"If you'd like you can tell me it, and I'll act as if I never read it!"

"Id like that!" Abby agreed. "Well the first thing I would like to do is ride a really big roller coaster. I have always been terrified of them. And I want to go on a upside down one. I have never been, I always stick to the good old wooden ones. I also would like to attend a Yankee game, where they are playing the Red Sox. But the Yankees have to win! I want to kiss someone in the rain. I want someone to dedicate a song to me, and sing it just for me. I've always been the good girl, I want to break out of that mold and steal a street sign!" At this point Jimmy smirked, "Shut up! Anyway, I want to meet my favorite author. Ellen Hopkins! She wrote so many amazing books. I love her. I want to go swimming in a fountain..."

Jimmy cut her off. "Would you please explain that one?"

"Haven't you ever seen a movie where the main characters went into a fountain. For whatever reason. And they laugh, and splash the water at each other. It always looked like fun to me! Okay?" Jimmy nodded. "I want to solve a Rubik’s cube at least once."

A piece of Abby's hair fell into her face. She went to go on but was stopped by Jimmy's hand. He lightly pushed the hair behind her ear. He leaned in and kissed her. He sat back and looked into her eyes. Abby's eyes had a joy in them. Something he couldn't understand. But he knew she looked beautiful.

Abby then leaned in and then kissed Jimmy. Something she had never done before, Jimmy had always been the one to kiss her. Jimmy ran his fingers through her hair and then down her back. Abby put her arms around Jimmy. Jimmy pulled Abby into him and whispered in her ear "I love you, I'm in love with you."

That was the first time either of them had ever actually said it. They both always knew the other had loved them. But until this point neither of them had ever admitted they were in love.

"I love you too."

Abby took Jimmy's hand. She put her fingers in between his. Then she did something she had never thought she would. She lead him into her bedroom. That was when they did it for the first time.
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woot, woot =]
hope you are still enjoyingg abby and jimmy's storyy<3.
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both make me happyyyy ;D